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  1. R

    BMW ECO 2012 ripoff!!

    Give that man a Bells!
  2. R

    BMW ECO Challenge 2012

    One of those nice orange tents from the KTM Raid... :spitcoffee:
  3. R

    BMW ECO 2012 ripoff!!

    hmmm....from the website. BMW GS Eco, 18th to 21st October 2012, Clocolan, Free State. Limited to 600 paying GS riders, with their optional pillions, the 2012 event will follow the same format as 2011. The limit is part of the commitment given by BMW Motorrad's Rob Holder in 2011 – to ensure...
  4. R

    BMW ECO 2012 ripoff!!

    What is so hard about dealing with the facts.  Where does it state that the overbookees all attended???  It states that Their places were filled immediately.  If the Overbookees all attended, then they could not have been overbookees!!!  They would have been paid up attendees...
  5. R

    BMW ECO 2012 ripoff!!

    The issue is not that, but rather that they charged Minzi, and then (re)charged the replacement people who took the spot that was already paid for, as well.  They simply filled the vacancies from the waiting list.  If they advertised 600 places, they would then have only asked the suppliers to...
  6. R

    The look of an executive DS biker ...

    Better than the BMW C1200
  7. R

    BMW ECO 2012 ripoff!!

    A very entertaining read, thank you to all who participated. Not surprisingly, the jury was out for less than 2 fact they never left their chairs.  BMW, very poor effort. Unfortunately, social media is viral and this story will circulate and it will do damage to the brand.  You...
  8. R

    Unexplained punctures

    Also consider the age of the tubes. After about a year to 18 months, rubber on el cheapos is vrot and simply punctures...replace tubes regularly to avoid unexplained punctures. Latex tubes are more puncture resistant and last longer. If you cannot do it yourself... :pot:  see other thread on...
  9. R

    what to buy: 990 or 1190

    I am thinking along the same lines...BUT...went to RAD (the bad okes in the other thread) to discuss and see what info they had. Feedback is not promising, especially if you have not written the 990 off... 1. There are very few 990s left in the country.  Something like 82, and RAD themselves...
  10. R

    RAD - Rip off or providing a service?

    brilliant - good chirp. :laughing4:
  11. R

    Rally Maroc 2012

    Despres for the Dakar 2013!!!
  12. R

    WANTED BMW G 450 X

    One at S4 Auto in Boksburg.  Check Autotrader, select bikes and speak to Mohammed.
  13. R

    RAD - Rip off or providing a service?

    R350 + R100 + R350 = R800 Now start again... Those tubes bare R280.70 + VAT = R319.99 so R350 bargain in the sticks. labour - remove a front wheel, take off the tyre, take out the tube, fit new tube, replace tyre, fit on bike and check brakes etc.  And being a service vehicle they had the...
  14. R

    Yamaha ZA - legendary

    Which dealer?
  15. R

    RAD - Rip off or providing a service?

    Spot on - easier to bitch than be positive... No "thank you" for fixing the flat just bitch and moan about the price.  You know what they say, If you do not have something nice to say, then shut the f*** up until you have something nice to say! If you think you were done in then just stop...
  16. R

    Rally Maroc 2012

    Husky and Honda dominating hmmm...
  17. R

    Routes - Sedgefield/Wilderness and Natures Valley

    Consider the route through the Karoo to George, and home along the coast. A  nice route is leaving George take "Knysna via the Lakes" on the left and run parallel to the N2 along the mountain.  Couple of roads linking back to the N2.