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  1. S

    Why put on other wheels

    Great news, thanks!
  2. S

    Why put on other wheels

    Thanks for the replies, I just thought I have made a mistake buying something that's modified
  3. S

    Why put on other wheels

    I will take a better picture when I am close the bike.
  4. S

    Why put on other wheels

    Hi Guys, I only noticed after I bought my F800GSA that it had differant wheels on. The front is SM Pro Platinum and rear is something like IAM Components (???) - See attached picture Why would you want to change the rims or is it a sign the bike was abused maybe?
  5. S

    New member - Pretoria

    I will send you a DM, I have no idea where the dirt roads are. I would be great if I can tag along
  6. S

    Show us your F800GS

    Hier is my eerste Adventure fiets. Het al hele paar offroads gehad. Kan nie wag om beter fotos te stuur met mooier agtergronde nie :)
  7. S

    New member - Pretoria

    Hi All, Gerhard here, just bought a 2015 F800GSA. Its my first adventure bike. I have been on offroads for some time but looking forward to going on some adveture riding in near future.
  8. S

    2013 F800GS - Sorted

    I am sorted, not sure how to delete a thread. Please help