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  1. W

    Anakee 3 thoughts?

    I was at Linex the other day and saw a set of the new Anakee 3's on the rack.  Interesting looking tyre!!  Apparently they give 10% better performance on dirt compared to the Anakee 2's.  They're not as good looking as my e-o7's and I'm certainly not looking to change - was just wondering...
  2. W

    Spotlight brackets (Touratech type)

    Will do.  Aldo's still awaiting feedback from Touratech overseas (spoke to him this morning).  Can't be too difficult to manufacture though - would be great if someone locally could whip it up. WB
  3. W

    Fork protectors

    Ok, so I've gone ahead and ordered a set of the US ones.  I'll let you know how they turn out! WB
  4. W

    Mitas E-07 110 & 100 19 inch tubeless front tyre recall

    Second that!  They've been outstanding in my dealings with them on this issue! WB
  5. W

    which adv bike to buy?

    Must agree with Woody1 - wouldn't swap my S10 for the world!
  6. W

    Fork protectors

    Hi, I'm looking to replace my current fork socks which have now started to perish.  Wouldn't mind a set of the Worldcrosser carbon protectors, but not at R5100, which is what Yamaha wants for a set in SA...  I've seen a set in the States (
  7. W

    which adv bike to buy?

    Love my S10 and won't change it, but have ridden the Tiger 800XC and it's an awesome bike.  Very comfortable, very effective and great value for money (around R107k I believe). You need to ride them to decide. WB
  8. W

    yamaha ST - Power restriction in first 3 gears now lifted

    Works well, but the switch is a necessity if you do a lot of traffic commuting.  You want to be able to switch back to your normal mappings, as the mod gives you quite a rough throttle. Just wondering, having the ECU flashed, do you then have the challenge of a rough throttle on your normal...
  9. W

    LED headlights / park lights?

    Great feedback, thanks guys!  One see's cars moving to this technology, but no so much yet on bikes, so it made me wonder. WB
  10. W

    LED headlights / park lights?

    Hi, I've seen places on the web advertising LED "headlight globes" and was wondering what the implication was for this on the S10.  The S10's headlights traditionally look quite dim, especially when one has a set of LED spots fitted.  Don't know much about this space, so just wondering whether...
  11. W

    Anti-clockwise around the country, JHB to CTN and back, 6500km's

    It's a pretty amazing area around Lady Grey - wish I had a few days to spent there.  Kevin from Lammergeier was telling me about some of the trails they ride there and the fact that there are so many...
  12. W

    Anti-clockwise around the country, JHB to CTN and back, 6500km's

    Day 11: From Lammergeier there’s a great bit of dirt and a fairly high pass that comes in to the back end of Lady Grey.  It was a great way to start the day! I then headed up north on tar to Zastron and Wepener, but be warned, some of the roads in this area are horrendous, often being...
  13. W

    Anti-clockwise around the country, JHB to CTN and back, 6500km's

    It was!  One never knows for how much longer he'll be on a bike, so good to use the time you have.  He certainly keeps up when it comes to cold beers and other such refreshments...
  14. W

    Anti-clockwise around the country, JHB to CTN and back, 6500km's

    Day 9: Day 9 I headed out alone once again towards Port Alfred / Bathurst.  An hour our I realised I’d picked up a bad cut in my rear tyre the day before and I hadn’t noticed the slow leak immediately because the Air-seal in my tyre had done it’s job pretty well, even though it was quite a...
  15. W

    Anti-clockwise around the country, JHB to CTN and back, 6500km's

    Day 6: Day 6 was about riding as many passes in the area as we could.  After a great breakfast at Ebenharts in Calitzdorp, we headed into the Groenfontein area. This is a beautiful, very green area, with lots of quaint little cottages, farms, dams and trees.  It was also a little cooler...
  16. W

    Anti-clockwise around the country, JHB to CTN and back, 6500km's

    Day 4: The thing about waking up in a tent next to the ocean in high humidity, is that everything’s wet, including the gloves you left out the night before… This was going to be a great day, with my first visit on 2 wheels to the Cederberg.  I spent a fair bit of the day riding this area...
  17. W

    Anti-clockwise around the country, JHB to CTN and back, 6500km's

    Day 2: Day 2 was about getting to Augrabies.  This is a stunning part of the country and even though it was mostly tar riding, there are some really nice twisty roads in the area.  For some reason I misplaced a bunch of pics I took along the way on day 2! Man was it hot in this area – 39...
  18. W

    Anti-clockwise around the country, JHB to CTN and back, 6500km's

    Now if I could just get my images to not show as thumbnails...
  19. W

    Anti-clockwise around the country, JHB to CTN and back, 6500km's

    (First time posting with pics, so I hope this works…!) I did this trip in December, but just haven't managed to get my ass into gear to write the report...  First off, I'll skip the part around getting permission from my wife to go off on my own for two weeks - once I had that, it was pretty...
  20. W

    Spotlight brackets (Touratech type)

    Excellent thanks - the Adventure-Spec brackets look interesting.  I'm actually awaiting feedback from Aldo on whether he can get the brackets alone. Thanks, WB