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  1. R

    Which tyres???

    Riding old Yamaha XT500's. Travelling about 8000 km's. We'll probably be doing a bit more tar than off road. But off road will include quite  a bit of sand too! THanks for the advice.
  2. R

    Which tyres???

    I'm going on a long distance trip through Southern Africa. I'm looking for tyres that will be enduro but can also last off road. Any suggestions? There was some German brand that was suggested and then a brand I'd never heard of called "Kings" that was suggested. Thanks all, Rob
  3. R

    Looking for: Helmet and Riding Jacket!!!!

    Does anybody have some cheap ones???? I'm on a really, really tight budget- and am going to need some gear for the longest trip I've ever been on (around Africa)! So if anyone can help me out with these things, it would be much appreciated. Rob
  4. R

    GOing around Africa.. Am I crazy?!?!

    Ok well, like I said, me and my best mate are gonna travel Africa on our bikes... We're looking for any suggestions we can get to help us out!!! We're young and ambitious, just looking to get out there and see the mother continent!! We'll listen to whatever!- If you have anything related to...
  5. R

    Connecting a car GPS to your Motorbike?????

    Hi Everyone Anybody have a clue on how to get a GPS that runs on a 12V plug in to work on my motorbike? I just don't have the cash to pay for a fancy, expensive Garmin Zumo... Anyone got some suggestions?? Please help!! Rob
  6. R

    Rob Morris

    Hi All My name is Rob Morris- I'm 18 years old and a new rider. I joined this so I can learn all I can and hopefully make some new connections. I'm planning an ambitious trip with my best mate to Tanzania and back from South Africa. So I'm definitely up for anyone who us suggestions on long...
  7. R


    Howzit all... I'm gonna be fresh out of high school next year and am going on a trip around Africa with my best mate. We're lacking some essentials for the trip and were hoping that someone would maybe have something to offer us or perhaps even have a spare one of something laying around! Maybe...
  8. R

    Bike Trip around Africa!!!

    Hi All I'm going to be finishing high school at the end of 2010 and me and my best mate are going on a motorbike trip around Africa. I've never done such a long trip and have just bought a Yamaha XT 500 which is gonna take me around, but I am looking for some equipment and I was wondering if...