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  1. T

    Visiting From Canada

    Riel, I don't think I can do that many miles here.  I don't have that much time! Regards, Thane from Pretoria
  2. T

    Visiting From Canada

    I have lots of experience with off-road.  See here: But I also love touring on the road.  Someone mentioned to me that Cape Town to Durban along the coast is particularly fine.  Would you all agree this is a top "must...
  3. T

    Visiting From Canada

    Hello all.  Glad to make it  to the board. I am visiting Pretoria for work.  I will be here until the first week of July.  I thought I would log on and introduce myself.  I will be looking to do some riding while here. I have not quite figured out how I will be doing that yet.  I may be able...