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  1. K

    Hi guys

    Thanks, Not as active on any forum as I'd like to be, just too damn busy. I do have some possible plans for it for the future but seriously lacking time to do any project work :( Everyone thanks for the great welcome  :biggrin:
  2. K

    Hi guys

    ThanX for the explanation.. For those asking for pics the last main bike project we did was last year and is detailed in THS THREAD (external site). As for our own bike they're all in pieces atm :( mainly due to not being able to fit anything else in the workshop beside Jen's Range Rover...
  3. K

    Hi guys

    I hope by that comment you mean Timber and Polar our two white GSDs???  :pot:
  4. K

    Hi guys

    About 50KM north of London..
  5. K

    Hi guys

    Thank you Wyllem
  6. K

    Hi guys

    ThanX HP...
  7. K

    Hi guys

    LOL :) Watch out we might be extending the range to the Ténérés, Jen's just got us a 600 frame to see what she can do with it :) The XTZ's are way to big for me anyway, the project we did for Rich (TRX850 engine with WR front end) I rode but couldn;t touch the floor on.. little old me is only 5'7"
  8. K

    Hello boys!

    Awww, I wondered why I hadn't heard much :( Hopefully you'll find a Gigi clone soon, if not I'll borrow you Jenna :P
  9. K

    Hi guys

    Would I do a thing like that :P :)
  10. K

    Hello boys!

    I wondered where you two had got too ;)
  11. K

    Hi guys

    Just a quick intro. My names Kymmy from the UK. I found this board because I own and admin two others large trail bike forums (won't post the links without permission) and a member on one of them was posting a link (inviting 18 and under :o )  to here so I thought I'd come and check it out...