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  1. Exploratio

    The DR650SE Story [Vlakvark] Here is your answer Bietjie duur
  2. Exploratio

    GPS or Tablet?

    If you are sold on the DMD app, take a look at this This can be fun for outrides
  3. Exploratio

    GPS or Tablet?

    App is free. Seriaaas Locus maps pro is cheap and maps very cheap. Would have liked to put a 32" screen on, but that will look silly. Eyesight you know
  4. Exploratio

    GPS or Tablet?

    I am with @HotKlou on this one. I have a Zumo 395 on my Varadero and a Zumo 396 on my XR. It work exactly as stated on the box but not always. The power connection via the docking is fool proof. But that said, an Android device beats it hands down. IF you can sort out the power issue. I have...
  5. Exploratio

    Wanted Looking for a CRF 450L

    Just talked to the seller, bike not registered. Fellow WD @HotKlou agreed to check it out.
  6. Exploratio

    Wanted Looking for a CRF 450L

    Open offer to ride it down for you.
  7. Exploratio

    Wanted Looking for a CRF 450L

    This bike is still availible. Seller reacted to my message.
  8. Exploratio

    Wanted Looking for a CRF 450L

    There is one for sale on FB marketplace @R72000
  9. Exploratio

    Sold 2018 HONDA CRF1000L DCT A/T

    👀 👀 👀 👀👀
  10. Exploratio

    Sold 2018 HONDA CRF1000L DCT A/T

    Maar my BAAS sê: nope, not today little one
  11. Exploratio

    For Sale 2016 KTM 690R for sale 14088km ###SOLD###

    Regte antwoord sou wees: Verkoop meer 🔪 Hou op die man se draad hijack!
  12. Exploratio

    For Sale 2016 KTM 690R for sale 14088km ###SOLD###

    Hou op! My aftreepakkie kan nie die tipe houe bekostig nie🤭
  13. Exploratio

    Sold 2018 HONDA CRF1000L DCT A/T

    En net hier is my dag, en week in sy glory in. What a beaut. 🥲🥲
  14. Exploratio


    Speak to @HotKlou . He made himself one. Quite nice.
  15. Exploratio


    Koop die plek, @Draad wil hoeka Pringlebaai toe. Dan reël ons nou en dan n braai op jou lawn. Bosk@k bash soort van😜😜
  16. Exploratio

    Oh no... Noneking down??

    Solank hy net nie gevra het: Het oom genoeg gehad?
  17. Exploratio

    Oh no... Noneking down??

    Good lord !!!!!
  18. Exploratio

    XR650L Electrical Issue

    That is the beauty of old school.
  19. Exploratio

    Schoemansdrift is open again

    At least the railing is still there. Lots of trees and rubble washed up against the bridge. A bit upstream it was swept away completely. Went the same way yesterday as well, lunch at the Venterskroon Inn. Almost saw my *** on the marbles in a bend. Was overcooking it a bit, bike did not slow...