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  1. G

    Wanted Mid range adv bike

    I have a Husqvarna TR650 Terra with low mileage for sale, fantastic bike!
  2. G

    Bettie die ou XT ...... Pics/Trips/General Bla Bla Bla

    Jy ry Yamaha en dra crocs?....het jy geen skaamte nie?:LOL:......lekker trippie, bly jy is veilig tuis
  3. G

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Ja hy het net die waarheid gedeel, maar die "woke" mods wil nie die waarheid sien of hoor nie
  4. G

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Laat hom terug!... wil bietjie sien hoe lyk die plaas na die reen
  5. G

    Sym NHT200 Ownership Experience

    Only if you have ever experienced riding condition like these can you appreciate this little essay.... brilliant!
  6. G

    Sym NHT200 Ownership Experience

    Fantastic consumption!
  7. G

    Taming the mud monster in Tonteldoos

    That 890 on the flat track sounds permanently angry and spoiling for a it!
  8. G

    Wanted KLR/KLE or similar

    Thanks, replied
  9. G

    Wanted KLR/KLE or similar

    Mate of mine is looking for a mid sized Adv. bike max budget R35K, tall order for a reliable roadworthy bike I suppose? All leads appreciated
  10. G

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    Beautiful!......the scenery is is not too bad either ;)
  11. G

    How Far can you Ride - in a Day

    jy en die Grondboontjie moet veilig ry(y)
  12. G

    How Far can you Ride - in a Day

    🤣vol self tapping skroewe en threaded rod?
  13. G

    Changing gears while standing on pegs

    🤣 was waiting for it! I'm everything but young and strong, my knees hurt getting out of bed, I never ride the whole day and my butt is fit from sitting behind the keyboard ...ultimate wilddog, sounds about right what I was trying to convey was that you seldom NEED to stand doing gravel highways...
  14. G

    Changing gears while standing on pegs

    .....or just don't stand? unless of course you are desert racing or hitting big whoopso_O a lot of flak coming soon, watch this space
  15. G

    Sold For Sale Honda XR600

    "You gotta have faith" a song by WAM (George Michael?) .....I suspect he also wore Hang Ten plakkies 😬
  16. G

    Snake Photos

    ordentlik groot! ek besef almal sal nie saamstem nie, maar dit is mooi...op 'n afstand natuurlik!
  17. G

    Gasgas EC300 vs KTM EXC300 vs Husqvarna TE300

    Much of a muchness, assuming parts availability and dealer backup are the same I would go for the colour that excites you the most!
  18. G

    Vir Subie

    Daai groot ses silinder "sound track" het amper dieselfde effek op my as Die Stem...pure hoendervleis!
  19. G

    Drone fotos/videos

    Nice, where is that?
  20. G

    Naweek trippie in die Karoo

    Groot Kilos per dag!...geniet en veilig ry (y)