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  1. D

    Broken Garmin GPS Units

    If you have Garmin GPS(excluding fitness watches and Nuvis) units that are broken/old/incompatible that are just gathering dust, consider sending them my way please. So much electronics goes to waste and to the bin. You can DM me. I will send a courier to your door. Tell your friends.
  2. D

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Maar dit klink befok. Die "PURE SOUND" youtube vids vang my elke keer. All jokes aside - ek dink nie ek het al so baie videos gekyk oor 'n bike wat besit, terwyl ek hom besit nie. Fokken mal bike, wil hom net heeltyd ry en ek is nie eintlik eens so erg into bikes nie. @Renrew ☝️ (net vir jou)
  3. D

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    For those in the know, het ek 'n quick shifter vir my T7 nodig?
  4. D

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Hy het eers sy caliper verwerp... en toe hou ons sy bier vir hom vas.
  5. D

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Ja, maar net omdat een ou soos 'n doos ry en die ander ou 'n doos is.
  6. D

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    O wag, ek het iets om te se : Ek is nogals 'n die-hard KTM fan, brand whore for sure. Alles anders is kak, period, ek wil niks verder hoor nie. .... behalwe die stuk Jap kak - beste bike wat ek al besit het.
  7. D

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Ek wil ook iets sê, maar julle het klaar alles gesê. So... hoekom staar julle nie bietjie na hierdie overcapitalised sexy garage queen nie :
  8. D

    Wanted Original T7 Hand guards

    Found anything @Dondermerwe @zebra ?
  9. D

    Wanted Original T7 Hand guards

    As in the title, PM if you have a set gathering dust.
  10. D

    T7 Original Hand Guards

    I am cheap and my bike did not come with hand guards, so if anybody has the originals lying around gathering dust, I will gladly take it off your hands.
  11. D

    GPSmap 62s any 6x series motherboard

    Just bumping this thread for bites.
  12. D

    T7 Lithium Battery Upgrade

    Typical Lithium battery behaviour - thanks for the update. I have found this in other high draw devices - cordless drill failed on me like this.
  13. D

    T7 Lithium Battery Upgrade

    Die ding is, ek en @stroke her het die heel kakste <R1000 battery op Takelot gaan koop. Jy moet nie wonder hoekom hy kak nie. Ek sal terugvoering gee sodra myne ook sy gat sien.
  14. D

    GPSmap 62s any 6x series motherboard

    Anybody else have a good handheld gps they want to get rid of?
  15. D

    GPSmap 62s any 6x series motherboard

    Kwaai, let me know, send pics, I will consider it. You are a thirsty fucker.
  16. D

    GPSmap 62s any 6x series motherboard

    I am looking for a Garmin GPSMap 62s motherboard or any 6x series of the same shape as the 62s . Screen can be broken, case can be broken, just looking for the motherboard. If you have a broken one lying around, I will pay you in beer.
  17. D

    T7 Headlight Lens Cover

    Yellow is the new clear.
  18. D

    T7 Headlight Lens Cover

    Thanks @zebra
  19. D

    T7 Headlight Lens Cover

    Where can I find a lens cover like @Vulcan had on his bike or like this one in the photo : I sacrificed mine on an epic wheelie when I put it back down a little hard.