Kan n seat guru soos Dion Korkie nie daai seat tjoen dat hy soos die Rally seat is? Ek weet iemand het my vertel hy kan nou verder as n 100 kms ry met sy KTM 500 na Dion hom onderhande gehad het.
I often wonder why don't BMW sell a factory sidecar rig again like the did many moons ago. Most people use a BMW as power plant anyway.
Having said that this Triumph is no donkey!!! 💪 :oops:
The math becomes a bit more than grade 7 stuff.
Gn wonder ek verstaan niks wat hie aangaan, grade 7 het hulle my alreeds gevra om asseblief tog net wiskunde te los voordat ek myself te veel verneder!! :p 😬
BB was going to be 6th in the championship behind Acosta until the last lap when he took a place as well as Acosta losing a place.
He's fifth now.
Hopefully it would be a while before he does rural 60/60 deliveries!! 😜 :p
Ek was amper bly vir hom totdat hy stilstaande die vandalisme gepleeg het ...............................................................so asof hy wou sê vat so ou grote!! 😜 😬 🙈