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  1. Chukudeer

    Holiday options if you wait until number 99

    I would discourage you to go to Mozambique at the moment…… ;)
  2. Chukudeer

    Holiday options if you wait until number 99

    Have you tried “lekker slaap” ? They have plenty options all over the country
  3. Chukudeer

    For Sale KTM 990 ADV 2007

    Baie nice bike daai
  4. Chukudeer

    MotoGP 2021

    Wow…..what a race  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:  Well done Binder
  5. Chukudeer

    Botswana fence ride

    Nice  :thumleft:
  6. Chukudeer

    FS: KTM 1290R 2018

    Ooooo. Nice.  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: Come on lotto..... :biggrin:
  7. Chukudeer

    For Sale: KTM 1190 AdvR - 2013

    Nice pic  :thumleft: Moer nice bike....... :thumleft:
  8. Chukudeer

    KTM 640 Adventure 2007 for Sale ****SOLD

    Tried that...... Seems the OP had his one moment of glory and has since disappeared...... :thumleft: But thank you for making this a colorful experience....  All yours.....too many miles on the odo for that price anyway..... And Kamonya.......”too good to be true” again.....
  9. Chukudeer

    KTM 640 Adventure 2007 for Sale ****SOLD

    Thank you for your kind the red part  :thumleft: 
  10. Chukudeer

    KTM 640 Adventure 2007 for Sale ****SOLD

    Seems like the mods have deleted my questions..... :-[ Where can I view this bike?
  11. Chukudeer

    KTM 1190 Adventure R – 2014 - SOLD

    Ooooo so pretty...... :drif: :drif: :drif:
  12. Chukudeer

    Mauritius tips (second honeymoon)

    Have a look at Seychelles........Mauritius is like Margate..... ::)
  13. Chukudeer

    BakgatJaco son down - RIP

    Eish dit is lelik, sterkte, sterkte Zander, Jaco ons dink aan julle  :'(
  14. Chukudeer

    Feeler. 2010 990R

    Ok if you must.....R62k  :thumleft: cash
  15. Chukudeer

    2017 Husqvarna TE300 R59k

    Does it still have a thumb throttle  ::)