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  1. H


    'n Groot boom het vandag geval. Vaarwel HP Freak. :'(
  2. H

    Himeville Arms

    Glad I saw this now. Was planning to stay there end of Oct. Now I need to find alternative accommodation for 5. Any ideas.
  3. H


    Hi Andre Welkom. Maak seker ons sien mekaar in oktober. Niemand mag uit chicken die keer nie.
  4. H

    Spot the location!

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    Spot the location!

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    Spot the location!

    letseng myn.
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    Spot the location!

  8. H

    Bike tyres Harrismith Bethlehem anybody?

    Yamaha Bethlehem will order one for me and it will be there tomorrow morning already. Thank you Yamaha.
  9. H

    Bike tyres Harrismith Bethlehem anybody?

    Do anyone know of a place near or in the above mentioned towns that stock and fit bike tyres? Just found out BMW bethlehem does not exists anymore.
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    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    My nuwe skaaphond Prins. Baie baie besig.
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    Spot the location!

    DD ek het nie n idee wat die pas genoem word nie maar ek was darem ook al daar. Kry ook nie n naam op n kaart nie. Sit maar my pic op as n bewys.
  12. H

    AirHawk Driver Seat

    As jy hom tot in Parys kan bring dan vat ek hom.
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    Roads in a distance.

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    Spot the location!

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    Spot the location!

  16. H

    Spot the location!

    Hopetown. Dink hy is stuk vir stuk uit Engeland gebring en per ossewae uit die kaap uit aangery. Oops nee wag so bietjie. Daai brug van klip gebou so my geskiedenis gedeelte is dalk verkeerd.
  17. H

    Help ASB!!!!!

    Jy kort 'n program vir jou PC genaamd Mapsource. Kyk hier. Jy copy die track in Mapsource in laai dit dan so oor na jou GPS. Kyk vir button wat se "send to device". Kies net eers die track voor jy send to device kliek. Op jou GPS gaan na...
  18. H

    Round the World - Do you have beer we are coming to visit?

    Malawi bucket list - checked.  :thumleft: So what happened to Jenson after going your separate ways? Is he back in SA already? Keep it coming loving it so far.
  19. H


    Dankie vir 'n lekker middag manne en mannine. Dus lekker om name by gesigte kon sit. Nou vir die volgende een. Charka ek wag vir jou PM.