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  1. Kelevra

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Also rhymes with boring.
  2. Kelevra

    Pushing left to turn right?

    The physics is complicated, gyroscopic forces and all that, weight is one of them and we all know BMW's have a similar weight than the earth so I would guess 9.8m/s for BMW's 
  3. Kelevra

    Pushing left to turn right?

    That is the same thing, going fast you push right to turn right. But right is right and not wrong.
  4. Kelevra

    Noneking’s 990 thread

    Ek het ook een van hulle agterop. Ek sidder egter met die gedagte dat ek daai ding langs die pad moet afhaal. Hoop hy "runflat" net so lekker soos die E09
  5. Kelevra

    Just one more bike - 4 bike trailer conversion

    Just remove one of the channels from the trailer. Looks like you dont really use it anyway?
  6. Kelevra

    Long Way Up - Charley and Ewan goes electric

    I was wondering about oil changes  :patch:
  7. Kelevra

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    What is Starbucks? Dont worry I dont think they have it in the Free States yet..ook noggie in die Wes Transvaal nie
  8. Kelevra

    Advice please KTM 500

    Keep as is and sell it to me for peanuts.
  9. Kelevra

    I can feel this guys pain from here !

    Funny thing Google: 2010 KTM 990 R....I have one, 915 mm 87 DR 600 925 mm Honda XR 600 (87) 955 mm En die mense se KTM 990's is hoog pfft.
  10. Kelevra

    I can feel this guys pain from here !

    They had a "decompression lever" that only gave you some kind of false hope, using it only changed the facial expression of the designated kicker and promptly lead to flooding the carb. This ritual was the source of much entertainment after "Skoolsaal sokkies" with me sweating away kicking while...
  11. Kelevra

    I can feel this guys pain from here !

    I rode a 1987 DR 600 to school from standard 8 ish. Weighing in at 60 something kg, wearing Bullbrand vellies with zero traction (especially in winter when wet from frost) that thing nearly killed me every morning. It put me off Suzuki for life. POS  
  12. Kelevra

    The not-so-handy handyman and other randomness

    Volgende ding wat ek vir myself bou is 'n "dowel jig" op die oomblik sit ek hulle vryhand in met 'n handboor maar dit raak moeilik. Die blad is baie stewiger en jy het nie so baie gom nodig nie. Lyk ook baie netjies.
  13. Kelevra

    2015 KTM 690 Enduro R - Start problems

    Kill-switch  :peepwall: 
  14. Kelevra

    Show your 790 GoPro mount

    Will the vibration from mounting it to the frame not kill the video quality? Will keep an eye here for the results.  :thumleft:
  15. Kelevra

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Like the big KTM twins, not for the faint of heart  :peepwall:
  16. Kelevra

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    If you like this bike so much you are willing to wait until it hits the second hand market in SA you are definitely die hard? 
  17. Kelevra

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Imagine this guy with a propper bike  :ricky:
  18. Kelevra

    1150 GSA Rookie : Riding Lessons, Tips, and Happy Pics

    Jy se jy is nog jonk en sterk. Gaan begrawe nou maar weer die ou koei in die sloot en kry vir jou 'n oordentlike bike wat jy kan geniet (lees KTM)  :pot: