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  1. Dirty Fun

    Riding the Great White South and the journey to get there

    X1000 :thumleft: :thumleft: :sip:
  2. Dirty Fun

    Baggage underneath panniers

    Bliksem Draadwerk  :eek7: Dalk volgende keer die trailer hak :biggrin: Solank julle 'n lekker trip gehad het :thumleft:
  3. Dirty Fun


    My bike can wheelie, but the rider needs a lot of work :xxbah:
  4. Dirty Fun

    Guess they can ride sand in their sleep!!

    Now that looks like a propper adventure :thumleft:
  5. Dirty Fun

    KTM S.A Response on oil use

    All the best Hugonator, I hope KTM will come to the party... But don't write KTM off for live, you may end up loosing out on fun bikes. All makes have a lemon every now and then. Unfortunately you ended up with one. There are a lot of happy 690 owners for a reason :thumleft:
  6. Dirty Fun

    KOËS PAN RALLY 2016 aka NAM BASH 1-2 July

    :laughing4: Sal ook hier dophou, lyk na vet pret :thumleft:
  7. Dirty Fun

    Looking for juicy CT to CT loop

    You may end up staying a bit longer :biggrin: Enjoy your trip in our beautiful country :thumleft:
  8. Dirty Fun


    This sounds like a jol, I would try to make it next time. Enjoy and ride safe :thumleft:
  9. Dirty Fun

    Don't be a dwis!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, will try my best :biggrin: But I am not kicking my dog, my girlfriend will moer me  :patch:
  10. Dirty Fun

    Bikes with Spotlights

    Why is it always the big bikes with chrismas lights, especially the BMW's :peepwall: If you need so many light's to see where you are going, maybe you you should stay of the road at night. For the sake of other road users :o And during the day, be considerate of other road user.
  11. Dirty Fun

    Legendary Husaberg TE 300 For Sale

    Hope you get the bike with some Jarvis magic... Great bike, now go have fun :thumleft:
  12. Dirty Fun

    101 Pictures - 2000 Solo k's; 400 Dual k's and 300 Crazy k's ...

    Solo riding is good for the soul. Thank's for sharing
  13. Dirty Fun

    The "new" DR650S 2017

    Sold my GSA 1150 and got a Husky 300 2t. I'm going backwards :biggrin: I can't go far, but I can get to places my GSA could only dream of.  :eek7:  Would like to add a 600 class bike to the stable. A 701 would be  :drif:, but it's a lot of zoomaz
  14. Dirty Fun

    Roof of Africa 2016

    Sub Would love to have a go one year! Got me a Husky 300 2t, now the rider needs to pull his finger out his ass :deal: All the best to the Roof warriors :thumleft: Dirty Fun
  15. Dirty Fun

    BRAD BINDER: 2016 Moto3 - It is time #41 Bradical!

    Hope it's not to serious :(
  16. Dirty Fun

    FabMan Triumph pipes 2

    Amazing skill :drif:
  17. Dirty Fun

    Dakar 2017

    SUB :ricky: :thumleft:
  18. Dirty Fun


    Hallo Great site with tons of info, thanks to all :thumleft: I ride a Husky 300 2t. Will get a bike for the open roads in the future. Cheers DirtyFun :ricky: