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  1. Vulcan

    knife on bike for safety

    Dit en die feit dat gangsters almal wapens dra en die kanse is 99% dat daardie wapens onwettig is. Trek n fake gun in n real gun fight is nie slim nie.
  2. Vulcan

    First bike for novice rider, G310 vs KTM 390

    Another vote goes to the CB500X. At R123000 the Honda is a bargain when compared to the KTM 390 Adventure which seems to be priced around R130000 depending on who you ask. In terms of build quality, the Honda is definitely ahead.
  3. Vulcan

    The CRF300L thread

    Vir my was die 300L se krag 90% van die tyd al wat nodig was. Die grootste issue is die lang teer stukke wat mens soms nie kan vermy nie. As mens kan vrede maak met dit dan is dit die perfekte bike.
  4. Vulcan

    The CRF300L thread

    I replaced the OEM tire at the rear of my 300L with a Mitas E07 and lost some performance. The Mitas is a great but heavy tire, personally I would stick with the MT21 rather on a light bike with less power.
  5. Vulcan

    Noneking's Mancave

    Ek is bly jy het tot insig gekom en besef die T7 is n lekker betroubare aftree bike. Mens wil nie sukkel met goed wat bly breek as mens aftree nie. 😜
  6. Vulcan

    Wanted Motoz tractionator adv

    😲 Daar is n hele paar Randelas agter in daai bakkie!
  7. Vulcan

    Wanted Motoz tractionator adv

    Thanks @zebra , I received my Motoz and headlight protector from the courier yesterday. Simple things like taking down my details, following up and informing me (and providing a quote) seems to be the exception these days, but you and your team always deliver. Please give special thanks to Nicky.
  8. Vulcan

    DRZ could it be finally ?

    Ek wonder hoeveel CRF300L/Rallies het Honda al verkoop in SA - die mark is net so groot? Die feit dat 2 handse modelle sukkel om te verkoop (soms maande) beteken die mark is reeds ietwat versadig vir die klas motorfiets.
  9. Vulcan

    Western Cape Bash 2024. Ons Karoo Plaas. 12-14 April 2024

    Daar het hoeka n man naby ons gekamp laasjaar wat geklink het op hy slaap apnee het. Ek het n paar keer my tent oopgezip om te kyk of die man lewe, maar net soos ek wil uitklim self start hy weer.
  10. Vulcan

    Wanted Motoz tractionator adv

    I see pics flying around on social media from people that purchased stock already. @zebra , any news? :cool:
  11. Vulcan

    Newbie needing buying advice

    Get something that crashes well that you can pick up ten times a day. And don't be like me, don't fear the crash - I think the fear of crashing is limiting my riding. You didn't mention budget. Personally, if I can start over with all the bikes I have owned, I would have started with my Djebel...
  12. Vulcan

    Sold YAMAHA T7 - Plenty of extras - R165 000

    Flippen Awesome. Hier pic maak my skoon lus vir bike was.
  13. Vulcan


    Die STR op my T7 is nou op 8000km en mag dalk 9000km haal. Ek dink eerlik nie hy gaan 10 000km hou op n 1190 nie.... Ek byt vas en wag vir die Motoz Adventure wat ek bestel het.
  14. Vulcan

    New DL800DE Discussion and Banter Thread.

    In that case, I apologize humbly - I saw the price on the 1000. R195000 is a brilliant price. Thanks for the correction.
  15. Vulcan

    New DL800DE Discussion and Banter Thread.

    I had a look at Suzuki SA pricing and saw the new DE goes for R259000 - that is a lot of money. Is it R50000 better than the Transalp? Or R40000 (actually also R50 000 depending on where you buy) better than the T7? Look, it is a brilliant bike - I actually test rode one but that price - you...
  16. Vulcan

    Africa Twin 1100 - want better exhaust note

    When BikeBros was still situated at N1 City, I test rode an AT they were selling, with an Arrow on - stunning but on the loud side. When I started it in the showroom, it cracked the mirror hanging behind it.
  17. Vulcan

    What's this Worth?? 2012 XR 650, VERY Low Miles

    Dis n hard werkende, old school aircooled thumper wat bekend is vir bietjie olie consumption as jy hom heeldag looi. Ek persoonlik sal nie meer as 5000km doen sonder ten minste n oilie diens nie. Dis wat ek in elk geval met myne gedoen het. Onthou net, die olie is ook in die raam soos die ouer XT's.
  18. Vulcan

    Bike for high school lightie - please help.

    Petri het nou van daai eier broodjie op sy gesig...🤣
  19. Vulcan

    Bike for high school lightie - please help.

    Wel, dit hang af hoe jy daarna kyk. Dis reg gespel volgens hierdie twee sites.
  20. Vulcan

    70/30 Tires

    The MT60's are great but the rear didn't last 6000km on my NC750. I used them on tar and gravel. The STR is quite good on tar (way better than it is on gravel) and is now at 8000km with a millimeter left before the wear indicator. I would fit the Motoz GPS.