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  1. Kaboef

    My 2010 990 Adventure

    And beware of loud pipes My Racetec pipes werent that loud but on long days it was annoying. I made inserts to quieten it down and now its perfect. Spend your money on suspension. That makes an already good bike an amazing bike.
  2. Kaboef

    For Sale Bike related garage sale

    Ek het vir jou n whazaap gestuur.
  3. Kaboef

    Stupid Question......Overheating

    Water cooled will run cooler IF everything works 100%. If not it will overheat instantly and then self destruct. No such worries with air cooled
  4. Kaboef

    Afriva Twin RD07 opinions

    I guess there is a lemon everywhere. Well, you cant go wrong with a RD07. If you ride it back to back with a modern bike, it feels old. Because it is. But it has a certain romance and it is utterly reliable. If you can find a neat one, I would say go for it. I did many thousands of km on...
  5. Kaboef

    Afriva Twin RD07 opinions

    I have to disagree about the 990 not being reliable. If you have sorted out the well-known issues, they are bullet-proof. I would think more bullet proof than a 22 year old RD07 Africa Twin. That being said, why not look at a Yamaha T7? It will ride with the AT1000 all day long and never give...
  6. Kaboef

    Seen KTM 990S Anyone know this bike

    Mix en match panele. Buyer beware.
  7. Kaboef

    Sold 2008 KTM 950 SE

    Mooier as die Bok/Argentinie game van laasnaweek.
  8. Kaboef

    Kiddies clothing and accesories - The Recycle Bin.

    Fly Maverick boots Youth size 2. Almost brand new. R1200 Durbanville oh ate too 7893231
  9. Kaboef

    Karoo Ride

    Lekker verslag. Die Karoo is baie, baie spesiaal.
  10. Kaboef

    Braai wood transport on bike?

    Ek, Luckystriker en 007 het al met seebamboes vuur gemaak toe die hout voor die drank opgeraak het.
  11. Kaboef


    Watse kar het daai trailer so vinnig gesleep?
  12. Kaboef

    Suzuki TS 185 ER

    Aitsa. Hy lyk mooi. Is dit nou joune of Heinrich sn?
  13. Kaboef

    KTM Trouble

    Ek wil he KTM moet bankrot gaan. Dan gaan my twee ikoniese bikes, 950 en 300, moerse klim in waarde. Die een se dood is die ander se brood.
  14. Kaboef

    KTM 300 piston. Can experts explain? (pics)

    Ek dink die powerband het gebreek
  15. Kaboef

    Noneking’s 990 thread

    Cool, dankie. Ek sal vir Jadey kontak.
  16. Kaboef

    Noneking’s 990 thread

    Noneking, jammer dat ek nou hier post maar ek wil nie n nuwe thread begin nie. Ek het laasnaweek op die Thumper bash besef ek sal die 950s aanhou ry tot ek OF hy uitmekaarval. Wat n bike. Myne het nou maar 71,000km op, en hy sal my nog baie jare hou Maar ek soek n Oberon slave unit. My OEM...
  17. Kaboef

    Thumper Bash

    As ek eendag groot is gaan ek ook n bike he wat so mooi klink soos daai 900 Triumph
  18. Kaboef

    Thumperbash Koedoeskloof Ladismith 9,10 &11 August 2024

    It was a lekker bash. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in organising. It was good to see old faces and meet new ones.
  19. Kaboef

    Toyota - is the badge still worth the effort?

    Ek maak baie foute. Maar Toyotas is nie een van hulle nie.