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  1. silberfuchs

    Just beautiful bikes - designs, mods and graphics

    My skoonpa het altyd gese: "Dis die vaal merries, wat die beste ry ..." Hy't nog 'n paar ander goed ook gese - alles waar. G.
  2. silberfuchs

    Ear Plugs for bikes.

    Stop stealing my wife's textlines;)
  3. silberfuchs

    Seeking Advice on Selling or Shipping Motorcycles from Cape Town to Kenya

    Sorry for being a bit late, busy day yesterday. I did not want to publicly advise you to disregard the regulations. Hence the suggested PM. Since then there were quite a few posts suggesting exactly this. All I want to add is, that one must think through all sorts of scenarios and their...
  4. silberfuchs

    Ear Plugs for bikes.

    Focus, chaps focus, ...... ...laat my aan 'n grap dink, wat speel op die trein Kaapstad toe en toe gaan die ligte uit .... dit was net nie bokke nie ... maar ek dink dis die verkeeerde fred hierdie..
  5. silberfuchs

    Ear Plugs for bikes.

    Most of them have been in my ears already and the rest is not originally packed. I do not want to cause any disgust at the more sensitive members. But you could make a business out of selling bokdrolle as sustainable, biodegradable earplugs. The real streamlined ones could be used in a...
  6. silberfuchs

    Ear Plugs for bikes.

    Thanks Chopper! I will think about it and read up on the different sound protection plugs. I have been using the blue or yellow ones that one buys per kilogramme in the hardwareshop or kooperasie. The belowmentioned tears over the loss(es) are of course a consideration worth taking into...
  7. silberfuchs

    Ear Plugs for bikes.

    Hello Chopper, Thanks for the reply. Ear Institute, I assume, in your case is in Cape Town; correct? Is ther a specific product name that I have to ask for at my Ear Specialist in, say Pretoria? Cheers, G.
  8. silberfuchs

    Seeking Advice on Selling or Shipping Motorcycles from Cape Town to Kenya

    Good morning Simone, As I said, I am not an expert and I also have no close acquaintance whom I can recommend wholeheartedly - that is without the afterthought, that this character will try to take you for a ride by charging you excessisive fees. I did travel rather extensively on various...
  9. silberfuchs

    Ear Plugs for bikes.

    Good advice, thanks. Can you please specify make, type and source where to find them. Thanks, G.
  10. silberfuchs

    Seeking Advice on Selling or Shipping Motorcycles from Cape Town to Kenya

    Hi Simone, I am by no means an expert on any sort of paperwork. Just dare to ask: will you travel on a "Carnet de Passages" ? In any case you will have to plan well ahead. Even if you find a guy who buys the bikes without the intention of ever putting them on the road, you will have to make sure...
  11. silberfuchs

    Braai wood transport on bike?

    Ek onthou staptoere op die Drakensberge, Amphitheater Tugela falls etc. waar ek natuurlik 'n petrol stofie saamgehaad het. Maar vir die een of twee braai events het ons net eenvoudig baie klein stokkies versamel en daarmee 'n sogenoemde "red-man's-fire" gemaak. (Red man make small fire - keep...
  12. silberfuchs

    Karoo Ride

    Absolutely fantastic ! Thanks for sharing. G
  13. silberfuchs

    Algemeene navraag

    Baie dankie @Manic, Ek het so'n dowwe gevoel gahaad, dit sal iets in die rigting wees. Behoort ook nie noodsaaklik sleg te wees nie, maar is onseker... Sterkte daar by jou, ons wag virrie reen. Groete, G.
  14. silberfuchs

    Algemeene navraag

    Dankie vir julle antworde.
  15. silberfuchs

    My kleinboet took a tumble in Lesotho.

    Ek sluit aan by die condolences. Baie jammer, G.
  16. silberfuchs

    Algemeene navraag

    Dagse honne, Het iemand miskien ervaarings of kennis met/van "Mr. Classic Motorcycle", 'n sekere Trevor White?
  17. silberfuchs

    My kleinboet took a tumble in Lesotho.

    Goeie more Rob, Dit is nou drie mande, ek lees nie elke dag die forum nie, die tyd gaan aan, ek het my "mikroproblempies" (in vergelyk te minste), buurman by die weiding is deur sy kop geskiet en amper blind, die voer is klaar en die haweroes is nog te ver, die reen sal kom maar dit reen nie...
  18. silberfuchs

    Sold HONDA XR 650L - IMMACULATE!!!!!!

    Free bump! and qestion to everybody: why are such beautiful and really unique bikes not selling like hot cake? I have mine already, otherwise ...
  19. silberfuchs

    For the GS glamping brigade wanting to go the lighter bike route 😉

    Punt is: dit is 'n YAMAHA wat dit kan vat; nie 'Beemer nie.
  20. silberfuchs

    Jawa 42

    Dobry den honne, Die gher lever en die starter saam oppie selfde shaft maag snaaks vertoon, maar ..... Daardie bikes was taai! Seized piston somer laat afkoel, bietjie 2slag olie innie fonkprop gatjie - kick,kick,kick, somer met die snaakse starter en sy het geloop! En laat ons nie vergeet wie...