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  1. Edgar

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    Ek wou nou net sê, met die regte gear is die koue heel aanvaarbaar. Dan weer, met my body fat index kry ek nie sommer koud nie, lekker blubber laag om alles warm te hou...
  2. Edgar

    Trackers now compulsory?

    SA have requested the WA records from the US and have received some of the info, same goes for Facebook data.
  3. Edgar

    Trackers now compulsory?

    They can, and do use the tracker info, they can even get your WA records to use in court
  4. Edgar

    Trackers now compulsory?

    Is a tracker only installed to limit the damage thr insurance company will suffer when they get the vehicle back? I for sure don"t want my car back, I have seen what damage they do to a Hilux in 30min...
  5. Edgar

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    Maak vinnig, daars net nog 112 beddens oor, en ek deel not n fok my slaapsak met jou🤣🤣
  6. Edgar

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    Yes, almal welkom🤟😉
  7. Edgar

    Control disassembly

    Did you get sorted now? Is the switch working again?
  8. Edgar

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    I just made payment! Looking forward to this kuier!
  9. Edgar

    Bike buyer scam? Can you figure out this one?

    Just tell him to go fornicate his mother........
  10. Edgar


    Doen wat vir jou en jou bike die beste werk. Dis wat ek doen, en ek leef nog......
  11. Edgar

    New KTM Jacket, excellent price!

    He is not over weight, he is just a "high calorie individual". On a side note. The shop was not robbed. It was a burglary. Cheers
  12. Edgar

    Is this the price of Superbikes nowadays ?!

    I think I want to do the Isle of Mann next year, can you guys please raise the money and buy me that Honda RRRR bike. I will even put a Wilddog sticker on the tank.
  13. Edgar

    Big Boy Crossover 150x

    Het hy gaan MX ry met die scooter? 🤣
  14. Edgar

    Big Boy Crossover 150x

    Ek like daai scooter kwaai. Niks fout met Bigboy AS jy die bike reg diens en omsien na, net soos enige ander meganiese ding.
  15. Edgar

    Sold 2022 Tiger 900 Rally Pro

    Was an excellent show😆
  16. Edgar

    For Sale BMW F800 GS Adventure TU + Panniers and Top Box

    Value for money! Good luck with the sale👍