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  1. LMG

    Wes Kaap / Western Cape (Weskus) Bash

    I'm out. Moet die Maandag in Windhoek begin klasgee en vertrek reeds Woensdag die 19de met die fiets om betyds te wees vir klas.  :biggrin:
  2. LMG

    Parking at Cape town International airport

    I do this quite often - have done it this week.  Though, I do put a lock on the bike.  (But one week I forgot to lock my boxes and nothing was stolen!)
  3. LMG

    Girls with bikes!

    Rynet het, wat ek sal noem, 'n geoefende oog. Daai rooikoppie roer die regte snare . . .
  4. LMG

    Wes Kaap / Western Cape (Weskus) Bash

    Herman Gooi my naam op die lys - ook vir 'n skaapkoppie.  Of gaan ons eerder kreef eet.
  5. LMG

    How many dogs use their bikes daily for commuting and what do you use?

    Every day since 1997 - unless there is a serious reason why I have to do it with the bakkie.  Bikes - 500 Suzuki DR, 550 Yamaha XT, 2X1200GSAs, three years with wife's 650GS.  Since I've sold the 650, I'm back on the (new) GSA.
  6. LMG

    One bike trailer

    Pity it is not in the Western Cape! But getting from KD to CPT will cost me more than the trailer!
  7. LMG


    WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HIT AN IMPALA? In my case I'll also wash my own pants . . .
  8. LMG

    Liewe Heksie's 1st Breede Bash

    Nice phodies Rynet. Good meeting you again.
  9. LMG

    The Breede !!!

    I'm just posting a couple of phodies
  10. LMG

    The 7th annual Breede Bash @ Rivierplaas (2013 edition)

    Wat is die reeling met die bokspan se vertoning op big screen? :peepwall:
  11. LMG

    Overlanders from Spain arriving to Africa to ride north

    Woody - snoek and patats are not a bad option.
  12. LMG

    Overlanders from Spain arriving to Africa to ride north

    If you are on the West Coast near Saldanha - please call for a sleep over and a lekka South African kuier!
  13. LMG

    Introducing Koko

    Welcome Aileen.  Like the real world you'll find all shapes and sizes; the good and the bad (mostly good though!) and, once in a while, the eccentrics!  Looking forward to meeting you at the bash!
  14. LMG

    Skaapkop eet @ The 7th annual Breede Bash @ Rivierplaas

    Nee, ek eet nie horings nie!  :biggrin:
  15. LMG

    Skaapkop eet @ The 7th annual Breede Bash @ Rivierplaas

    Die oubaas het gebetaal!
  16. LMG

    Skaapkop eet @ The 7th annual Breede Bash @ Rivierplaas

    Sit asb vir my 'n koppie by.  Gaan nou die betaling doen. Dit moet 'n lang kop wees . . .
  17. LMG

    I'm coming home!

    Jo, I'm looking forward to seeing you in Worcester and riding with you on the 24th.
  18. LMG

    talk to me about boots

    I have the Alpinestars Tech 10.  Bought it in the States for the size. Outstanding serve.  Comfortable and save.  A lot of protection.  Easy to walk with.
  19. LMG

    The 7th annual Breede Bash @ Rivierplaas (2013 edition)

    Mevrou het geswig onder druk.  Capital approval is geteken en die betaling is gedoen. Sien uit na 'n lekker kuier. Hoekom is Mof en Hingsding so traag om uit die blokke te kom met die reel van die skaapkoppe?  Gulde geleentheid om hul produkte te bemark.