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  1. LMG

    Namibia - Specialised riding bliss!

    Awsome.  Great trip; great video; great riding - no seriously impressive riding skills.
  2. LMG

    Mitas E07+

    Good service from Cape Bike Travel yesterday. Phoned them the morning about a Mitas EO7 rear tyre. Best price! The afternoon it was delivered in Langebaan. Simply outstanding!
  3. LMG

    Mitas E07+

    Thank you for the feedback. In Langebaan - nie net vir vinnig ry en oortrek nie  :biggrin: But I think I am going to change the rear before I leave.
  4. LMG

    Mitas E07+

    Advice from experienced riders. I have done 2500km on my Mitas E07+ tyres and is due to leave for Namibia next week. What is your experience of the tyre ito kms?  It has, in my view, about 50% loopvlak left. Should I rather replace it before I left? The plan is to run on tar to the border...
  5. LMG


    Thank you for the advice; I'm then definitely do it. Much appreciated.
  6. LMG

    Upgrading the maps on my 660 Zumo

    Lyk nie of  hier mense is wat ons kan help nie.
  7. LMG

    Upgrading the maps on my 660 Zumo

    A very stupid question. How do I go about upgrading the maps on my 660? Haven't done it since I bought it in 08. Should I buy a new set of maps from Garmin?
  8. LMG

    08 GSA Adv for sale

    A friend of mine wants to sale his 08 GS ADV The bike is in an immaculate condition! Contact Chris @ 082 775 1482 Around R85 000 - boxes included.
  9. LMG


    I am on my way for another two weeks of lecturing at the University of Namibia - and I am working on my route  :ricky: This is what I plan to do - I was advised to rather avoid the Aus-Helmering C13. Anyone who has done it recently for some feedback on...
  10. LMG

    Weather Cap for Zumo 660

    Assistance please . . . Lost the weather cap of my Zumo 660; fallen of during a ride! This is what it looks like - It has been discontinued by Garmin. Anyone has an idea where I would be able to find one?
  11. LMG

    Commuting with the GSA

    Korrek - maar dit is "nooit te laat om n happy childhood te he nie!"  :patch:
  12. LMG

    Commuting with the GSA

    A minute or three over the 28kms . . . but that's not the issue when it comes to biking  :peepwall:
  13. LMG

    Commuting with the GSA

    I am commuting with the GSA on a daily basis 24/7/12 - in all weather conditions; good and bad. So I have done an experiment the last two weeks. Of course there are variables - such as the wind on the West Coast - that I cannot control. But I have tried to manipulate those variables that I do...
  14. LMG

    Quad fiets vir boerdery

    Dorsland - my broer het lank gewik en weeg oor sy quad.  Nou is dit 'n geval van 'ek kan nie meer sonder hom boer nie'. Baie veilige kms.
  15. LMG

    Highway Pegs

    Precisely what I need!!!!!!
  16. LMG

    Highway Pegs

    I have done a couple of long tar runs - normally once or twice a year from Windhoek back home. My legs do take some stress on these trips. These highway pegs are available for the LCs -...
  17. LMG

    Problems with the electronics

    Did a bit of gravel over the weekend; then a 550 tar run back home. This morning my odometer is not working, the abs light stays on & traction control is of, the indicator does not switch itself off. Anybody has an idea? It's a two hundred km run to the nearest dealership + a day off from...
  18. LMG

    Oasis Spitbraai 11 November 2017

    Ek het die bespreking en betaling gedoen way back vir my en Nick Slabber vir Foxtrot tente. Hy is in ‘n tent; ek nie?
  19. LMG

    Oasis Spitbraai 11 November 2017

  20. LMG

    Oasis Spitbraai 11 November 2017

    Ek en Nick Het betaal. Ready to run.