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  1. TheunsC

    For Sale 2008 Triumph T100 Bonneville

    @blauth Looking at the pic shared in the OP it seems carburetted.
  2. TheunsC

    For Sale XR 200R 1981

    That's the first bike I ever got onto, throttle got stuck on day 1 and I ended up bashing it through the storage shed's door. I managed to get the `81 XL 250S as a project bike. Hopefully, she runs early next year.
  3. TheunsC

    New BMW R12S

    And then there's some who love them for those hooliganesque characteristics.
  4. TheunsC

    Sorted Sub R45k 1200gs or gsa

    Groot plesier, hoop jy geniet haar net so baie soos ek. Nou moet ek stadig maar seker begin oog oophou vir my voltgende een. :)
  5. TheunsC

    Sorted Sub R45k 1200gs or gsa

    @LouisXander het dalk iets vir jou, check jou PMs
  6. TheunsC

    Sold AStar Tech 7 Enduro boots, size EU47 UK11/12

    These are awesome boots, (I have 2 pairs), and it's a bargain price for a set in such great condition. GLWTS
  7. TheunsC

    KTM Trouble

    Ready to race.... just don't bargain on completing it.
  8. TheunsC

    Sold Thor Hydrant Hydration Pack

    If you can courier it to CT I'll take it. Send you a WA message. TY! :)
  9. TheunsC

    BMW R1200GS BoosterPlug terugvoer

    Ek het onlangs 'n 2006 GSA gekry, met 120k+ km, wat alreeds 'n ouer en ander maak module opgehad (Ek dink Roodt het gesê dis 'n accelerator module). Ek het Donderdag by West Coast Parts gedraai en ons het die bestaande module uitgeruil met die booster plug module om eers te toests of daar enige...
  10. TheunsC

    Sorted HyperPro damper OR Scotts fitment bracket for 2006 GS 1200

    As the available brackets or kits found are all for later models I've contacted an engineering company that is going to adapt my existing bracket to fit the GS. Thank you to all who were willing to assist, truly appreciated!
  11. TheunsC

    Sorted HyperPro damper OR Scotts fitment bracket for 2006 GS 1200

    I keeping my options open so if anyone has a 2nd hand Hyperpro RSC progressive damper for 04 - 12 models (preferred), or similar, or a spare mount at a reasonable price please let me know.
  12. TheunsC

    Sorted HyperPro damper OR Scotts fitment bracket for 2006 GS 1200

    Thank you, @Colin Kaapschehoop , I sent you a WhatsApp regarding the Scotts Mounts.
  13. TheunsC

    Pointers Please....KTM 950 vs 990

    I haven't ridden either of these (coz I know I'll want one the moment I get on it) but feel this post from a similar past thread is a good point. Happy Hunting!
  14. TheunsC

    Sorted HyperPro damper OR Scotts fitment bracket for 2006 GS 1200

    Looking for a (complete) 2nd-hand HyperPro damper for this bike or a fitment bracket for a Scott's damper (have one) for a 2006 BMW R 100 GS/A.
  15. TheunsC

    Sold 2006 GSA - 121500km - Kraaifontein Western Cape - R42 000

    No lies, she does indeed pull like a truck 😁 Thank you for the awesome communication and all the extras @Eisbein, now I can enjoy long-distance trips!
  16. TheunsC

    Sorted Topbox and mounting plate (alu/steel)

    Thank you, Chris (@zebra ), much appreciated!
  17. TheunsC

    Sorted Topbox and mounting plate (alu/steel)

    One of the dogs reached out, picking up on Wednesday. :)