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  1. wjn

    Realistic asking price for my 990

    Cool. I am waiting for the bank to send me the papers. The moment they are in my hands I will place the ad on here, with all the info/photos and he can contact me if he is interested in the bike. Should be next week somewhere
  2. wjn

    Realistic asking price for my 990

    Cool. As soon as I have all my duck in a row I will post the ad with decent pics etc👍 The decision has been made, and sadly the bike has to go within the next month before we vacate our current home.
  3. wjn

    Realistic asking price for my 990

    Thank you for the replies…I was thinking R65-70k. That way I walk away having enjoyed the bike and satisfied, and the new owner can spend some money without feeling like they have overcapitalised. @petri oosthuizen jy kan maar vir my laat weet as jou seun in so iets sou belangstel. Dan neem ek...
  4. wjn

    Realistic asking price for my 990

    So the time has come unfortunately….third kid on the way and have had to buy a new house, so I am going to sell up and hang up my riding gear for a few years. The price spread out there on 990’s seem quite wide so just pre-emptively getting an idea on a realistic price. WBC offer is R48k which...
  5. wjn

    Sold OSET 12.5 R6k

    Unfortunately not, sorry will update the thread
  6. wjn

    Wanted OSET 12.5

    I have an older version of the 12.5 that has been standing around for a while, in my way and my son is more interested in his bicycle. Welcome to PM if you are interested
  7. wjn

    Urgent help needed in Cape Town

    I was collecting a trailer during the week from Atlantic Trailers in Wellington, evesdropping on an incoming phonecall where the gent confirmed they are open for business this Saturday, despite the public holiday. They also have a bike trailer, so if you dont manage to arrange something that is...
  8. wjn

    KTM 950 Rally

  9. wjn

    Seen Bike(s) on Facebook

    Saw on Facebook…allegedly 22k k’s on it.
  10. wjn

    Wanted Honda XR650R
  11. wjn

    Wanted Oset 12.5

    I am selling one of the older models, can have a look at my add a bit further down and let me know if you are interested. Unfortunately some distance from you.
  12. wjn

    Dunlop D 606 or Pirelli MT 21?

    I have put a few miles on the MT21 front on the 990, and suitably impressed. Haven’t done anything crazy on tar but for general riding at highway speeds and in town it has been very good, and I will fit them again for the money. Cannot comment on dirt yet as I have only been commuting
  13. wjn

    Noneking’s 990 thread

    Have Zuber 9 and 9A I can email them to you if you wanna try them. Running 9 now to see, so far so good Sorry for the derail
  14. wjn

    Sorted BIG FUEL TANK FOR KTM 450 / 525 ...2003 to 2007 model years Looks like the ad has been there for a while, worth checking if it suits your needs
  15. wjn

    Wanted 0,5 mm clutch oil jet Been eyeing this for a while…but dont ride my bike enough to justify it.
  16. wjn

    Sold OSET 12.5 R6k

    Getting rid of this as my son hasn’t shown much interest, and now has outgrown it. No use keeping it to gather dust. Cool little bike though. Used bike, so the usual type of wear and tear, but nothing wrong with the bike. Unfortunately test rides will be difficult, unless you are between 3 and 5...
  17. wjn


    Looks like alot of water in BK
  18. wjn

    Where my biking started - race rep 400's - the GSXR and a shed ... now VFR

    @sidetrack that VJ23 SP was a beauty. Remember as a teenager we went to a rally with all out two-strokes…and a friend of a friend went on his SP…that dry clutch made such a nice noise sitting at the robot. Could not stop looking at that bike. Cool build, will follow with interest
  19. wjn

    The 950 is amazing! And I own one now!

    Seems to be quite a common issue in the cycling world, the physical position of your hands in relation to the forearm may just be exaccerbated by vibrations from the bike/bars itself. Worth a try I guess.
  20. wjn

    Seen FD Worx R80GS build

    I am constantly perving over the FD Worx bikes. Wish I could of parked this in my garage, maybe not “pretty” but more “form follows function”…which has it’s own appeal