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  1. jaybiker


    In the 1970's many UK riders would retire their 'best' bike from the filthy slush and salt strewn roads in winter and resort to a second bike which was most likely to be an MZ 250 just like those. They were cheap and they were good. And they haven't changed a bit apart from the cast wheels and...
  2. jaybiker

    Yamaha T7 vs Suzuki DL800DE

    " what a funny bird a frog are" someone said. But not as funny as an ADV biker. Quibble, not surprisingly, about the enormous weight, then advocate the addition of a bash plate, crash bars and pannier frames, just to lighten it a bit. ;)
  3. jaybiker

    Another 450 from China

    Maybe it looks in the pic like a bit of a bus 'cos it's a 'little' Chinese rider?
  4. jaybiker

    What DONT you ever use on a Bike Camping Trip??

    On a couple of bashes I even managed to pack a folding chair o_O but it did 'double' as an improvised luggage rack. On the other hand, I managed without a GPS or a cell phone.
  5. jaybiker

    Has your bike ever left you stranded on the trail ?

    On the trail or dirt, never. On tar, just a few times in many years. Aeons ago, a thrown conrod on an old Triumph required a poor boys rescue on the sidecar chassis of a mate's plodding old Panther outfit. A hilarious episode which I think I recounted on the forum a long while back. Fast...
  6. jaybiker

    Tribute to an Angel

    Congrats on your 50 years and your loving riding partner. Many more happy riding years to you both. My own wife rode with me for some 20 years until her physical health prevented it. Meanwhile I'm riding 62 years and counting........
  7. jaybiker

    I observed two miracles this morning!

    Some kind of cross between a yacht and a snatch, I presume?
  8. jaybiker

    Adventure bike comparison

    These days I think "Ho hum, No point in reading that shootout, I've read it before, so many times over the years. They're all the same, so bloody predictable.
  9. jaybiker

    Guess who I just bumped into ?...............Noraly

    Hi-Jacking again sorry Noraly, but Port Elizabeth may have been superseded by Beeshoo as The Eastern Cape capital, and they may even try to give it some silly allegedly indigenous name, but the fact remains, it is beyond dispute the centre of the universe. 😊
  10. jaybiker

    The BEST Motorcycle Communications Setup

    Too tech and unnecessary no, old school me. Never even had a rider/passenger communication system on a bike, and never wanted one. But I remember that yelling, sign language and squeezing/caressing her thigh used to work okay though. 😁
  11. jaybiker

    Meoni's iconic 950 Rally bike brought out for a spin...

    Hijack. Nothing to do with rally bikes, but I read the story of the guy who ran the Comrades in rugby boots because he entered only at the last minute and they were the only sporting footwear he had. :oops:
  12. jaybiker

    First bike that made you stop and stare ?

    At first as a kid I didn't know which model I was ogling at, just the brand unless it also had the model logo on it. But it only took a short while for me to become an expert on every model and it's specifications and details. I soaked up the info like a sponge and wrote it all down in my...
  13. jaybiker

    Ok what’s the deal with chain tension?

    Ag, just get a few decades experience and let it be your guide. ☺️
  14. jaybiker

    Are you stupid?

    About a couple of years ago, maybe longer I thought an open face would make a useful addition to my riding wardrobe, for hot days and dirt rides, so I bought a very cheap one. Now that was stupid! The wind used to lift it from my head and the 'padding' across my forehead was so hard it was...
  15. jaybiker

    Old traveller on old @

    Wise comment there. :cool: So the suspension is 'old technology', but it works. The only reason to spend a lot of money is if you have too much and you really must spend it. Okay, much depends on what kind of bike and what kind of suspension you have. But if your 'shortcomings of age' are...
  16. jaybiker

    Riveting masterlink on DID 525VX3 X-Ring chain

    Adendorff tool works great. For breaking the chain, that is. For re-riveting, not so great. :(
  17. jaybiker

    FortNine on RPM's

    Yes, Sir I'm well aware of the drop off in the power curve and that an engine's maximum 'safe' rpm is higher than its peak power figure. Just commenting that I've never before known the difference to be to the extent of 2,500rpm. :unsure:
  18. jaybiker

    FortNine on RPM's

    Just a by the by on rpm's. about my Versys 650. The book says maximum power at 8000rpm. The red zone on the clock however begins at 10,500. I've never seen that kind of discrepancy between those two figures on any other bike before. Anyway the manual has a nice picture of the rev meter showing...
  19. jaybiker

    Those DS bikes you have always looked at but have never owned .....

    Might be interesting to try that racy Yamaha 2 stroke twin from a few years back. I forget the model designation, ag, but I probably couldn't afford the petrol. 😃
  20. jaybiker

    FortNine on RPM's

    Serves the bloody idiots right Now you've ruined the whole debate! Nobody wants to read sensible rubbish like that. :geek: