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  1. jaybiker

    So my wife asked me …..

    Mine never quibbles about buying another bike, but she does ask whether I'm selling one to make space in the garage. And then repeats from time to time later, "When are you going to sell one of those bikes that's crowding out the garage?" There's only three, but it's a small garage. :unsure:
  2. jaybiker

    Durban traffic cops go electric.

    They're going to stop the traffic alright, and maybe cause a few collisions. 'Cos people are going to be laughing so much and taking the piss. That's if they are for real and not just a joke. :ROFLMAO: A self respecting traffic cop riding around looking like a total prat on one of those weird...
  3. jaybiker

    Laaste dae

    I'm trying hard to convince myself that my diminishing physical strength and ability to manhandle heavy motorcycles around has less to do with nearing 79 years old, and more to do with my being a lazy sod and letting myself go. And that all I need is to adopt a 'fight back' policy and get...
  4. jaybiker

    New in PE - Looking for riding mates

    Hi and welcome. You'll find various friendly groups, some club based, others less formal and organised. A couple you might consider. Four regulars and sometimes a couple of less regulars gather every Friday at 08:30 on the N2 ramp at Samantha Way to ride to Jeffreys Bay for breakfast. A usually...
  5. jaybiker

    Cycra had us duped

    Don't know about all those legal shenanigans, and I had no idea that they were made in America, or not. Also I had no idea that they cost anything like five thousand bucks. o_O What I can say though is that Cycra hand guards are bloody tough! My X/Challenge came to me fitted with them, and I...
  6. jaybiker

    Royal Enfield.......Who has One??

    The present generation of course will only know of the plodders made in India. But I recall the Royal Enfield 'big head' Bullet of around 1961/2. Bigger ports and valves and of course fins. Quite a sporting job in it's day, capable of more than 160km/h, still not bad for a big single today. Also...
  7. jaybiker

    Fortnine on bike engines

    Really? Hah! Try picking up a boxer that has gone beyond horizontal. On an adverse camber, on a rough part of the Sani. When you're totally knackered after a long day's riding. In the late afternoon with no passing traffic to offer help. Just an old Sotho chappie trudging past, who stood looking...
  8. jaybiker

    Small adventure shootout: KTM 390 v BMW 310 v Honda 500

    Just did a bit of idle checking, nothing much better to do I suppose. Not making any comment on the olden days, or whether newer is better, just some interesting spec comparisons. 1994 Honda CB500E liquid cooled parallel twin roadster. Power 58hp. Torque 32ft/lb. Weight 170kg. 29 years later...
  9. jaybiker

    Did your riding style changed over the years?

    Pretty much the same, but maybe with a slightly different time perspective. Teens to Forty's - Fast and fearless. Forty's to Seventy - Quickish, but increasingly cautious. Seventy and on up - Slow(er) and a bit scared sometimes, but still stupid on occasion. That's on tar of course. Off tar...
  10. jaybiker


    Perpetual problem for me, on or off the bike. These days I'm taking allergex. They're okay, but not nearly as effective as the Sinucon I used to take. However, various people reacted with horror on hearing that I took them, including a GP riding friend. Apparently they fuck with your blood...
  11. jaybiker

    Another one off my bucket list...

    I know only what I've been told by a couple of mates who have test ridden them, and reported that they were cooked well done by the heat from the motor. Izzit so?
  12. jaybiker

    KTM 690 Enduro R....tell me more

    Hellooo, 21,000km low enough? I'm here in PE, only running the bike occasionally to keep it alive, but procrastinating about selling simply because I have no idea about what to ask for it. I don't expect legend tax price, but I'm not ripping myself off either. PM me if interested and we'll see.
  13. jaybiker


    Nothing like ice -or black ice - on the road to focus your mind away from how cold you are feeling. :oops: The only real issue for me, back in the UK winter was hands. I suffered, but a solution that kept me from totally freezing to paralysis was to repeatedly squeeze the handlebars with all my...
  14. jaybiker

    Guess who I just bumped into ?...............Noraly

    Might I just hazard a silly guess that If she had just pulled in the clutch, the engine might have started? Eh? What?
  15. jaybiker

    DJ Motorcycle Rally

    We had an elderly gentleman here in PE, clubmate and friend of mine, notorious for wrecking superbikes with his over exuberant riding. He also had a couple of 1930's machines which he always rode with the same exuberance. He once entered the DJ but hard as he tried to maintain the required time...
  16. jaybiker

    Honda Navi - please Honda SA!!!

    You say it has an engine? Can't see it, don't believe it. Probably can't hear it either.
  17. jaybiker

    How WD threads evolved over the last couple of year.

    First, disclaimer. I've never ridden a KTM. But my own thoughts. KTM's are for fanboys who ride a set of suspension looking for a motorbike. They delight in riding very fast over rough terrain with wheelies, jumps and slides and will forgive their bike any other shortcomings because that's what...
  18. jaybiker

    Spain to CT on electric bike

    Hope that seat is more comfortable than it looks. :unsure:
  19. jaybiker

    Knobby or Knobbly?

    Not worth arguing about. I know what is right. No point disputing facts with ignoramuses.
  20. jaybiker

    The Most Important Motorcycle You Never Heard Of

    The story as I've heard it many times and seen it in print is that Yamaha played a major part in the funding and reaped the benefit.