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  1. JPW

    Cam Wear. Any examples in SA?

    According to KTM yes, however there is no distinctive difference in the actual parts. The 'new' head had an additional filter screen installed. Problem is once the cams, journals and followers wear (regardless of the two filter screens and oil filter) that metal swarf is running through the...
  2. JPW

    Cam Wear. Any examples in SA?

    Definitely. People have been adding the higher oil pressure relieve oil pump spring from the LC8 engines (3.5 bar). KTM even admitted they have had machining debris in some of the engines. Yet they still deny plenty of cases unfortunately. Seriously LOVE this machine, there is nothing yet like...
  3. JPW

    Cam Wear. Any examples in SA?

    They say he has only done mileage services and missed one annual service (which is utter nonsense). 3 services in 21000km
  4. JPW

    Cam Wear. Any examples in SA?

    A mutual 790 Adv R owner's cams failed on 21000km (he is here in Cape Town). KTM is refusing his warranty/goodwill claim.
  5. JPW

    Noneking’s 890 R Rally Thread

    Hoe ondervind jy dié een?
  6. JPW

    Noneking’s 890 R Rally Thread

    Hoe is die aero dynamics met die nuwe fairing teenoor die ou model?
  7. JPW

    Sorted Slip on exhaust for KTM 790/890

    I ended speaking to Jaco from Stealth thanks to @AdvGramps, so ordered one of his pipes. Completely forgot to chat with Offroad Cycles🙏🏻
  8. JPW

    790/890/901 Ride Reports, Feedback, Farkles & More

    Yeah definitely, not even 20k km on them! Very strange (and disappointed) that they wear so quick. My rear sprocket doesn't even have 5k km on and already starting to shark fin🫣
  9. JPW

    790/890/901 Ride Reports, Feedback, Farkles & More

    Old New Thank you Jadey @BSR Motorsports for keeping things running!!
  10. JPW

    Sorted Slip on exhaust for KTM 790/890

    No one? 8 week + wait for a replacement Arrow🤣 Considering Leo Vince (maybe) even though the wait will be +- 2 weeks. Prefer something readily available
  11. JPW

    Sorted Slip on exhaust for KTM 790/890

    Hi gents I'm looking for a slip on as I need to replace my Arrow. Anyone looking to sell?
  12. JPW

    Noneking's Mancave

    Spyt kom altyd te laat🤣
  13. JPW

    Cam Wear. Any examples in SA?

  14. JPW

    My Kove 450 Rally February 2024

    I might get flack for asking although I haven't really seen anyone mention this; how would this fair to also use as a daily commuter? Yes of course I know the 800 would be better suited for it, however very curious to hear some thoughts.
  15. JPW

    Seen Brand New Rapid Bike Easy

    Bump, very open to offers
  16. JPW

    Sold KTM 790 Adventure R Engine Spares

    Take the lot for R15k. Need this gone ASAP