Friend of mine is selling the following
All 2006
All maximum of 5 hours (barely run in)
All showroom condition.
DRZ400E R 40 000-00
LTZ250 Sport Quad R30 000-00
Dinli 110cc Quad R 8 000-00
Diamond Trailer R 8 000-00
Unfortunatly close up pics will have to wait a bit, stuck at work and on the golf course very early tommorow. I've Pm'd my cell nr, Redwolf how does sunday 09:00 sound?
Gentleman, can we agree on timeframes for first/second and third options. I've got something in mind which might dissapear :pot: if i dont sell in time.
Sorry vergeet om te noem fiets is in Gauteng. En ek het geen idee hoe om te roadworthy nie maar ek het n road kit saam die fiets gekry. Dink nie die fiets het ooit n teerpad gesien nie daai roadkit is nog brand new
Need to sell my bike
76 hours on bike, very well looked after and maintained
Extras incl akro pipe + original, road kit, uk sticker kit and a few other things
Got papers but obviously not on the road