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  1. MickeyT

    Wanted Thick foam grips

    Yes! These are the ones! Thanks!
  2. MickeyT

    Wanted Thick foam grips

    Thanks Johan, I have ordered foam grips from Bike King, but they were these thin type of grips which is about 2mm thick and not what I'm looking for. I bought my previous 990 with these nice thick soft foam grips that are thicker in the middle than on the side, but have no idea where to find...
  3. MickeyT

    Wanted Thick foam grips

    Morning all. Can anyone direct me to a vendor that sells thick foam grips for my 2008 GSA? Thanks!
  4. MickeyT

    Cardo Freecom 2x review. DO NOT BUY

    Thanks! Everything was standard as per your suggestions now, except that I changed the "Bass Boost" to "High Volume". I'll give it a go this afternoon back home and update the post.
  5. MickeyT

    Cardo Freecom 2x review. DO NOT BUY

    Thanks. Everything was on the setting you now suggested, except on the audio profile I changed it now from bass boost to High Volume. I'll have a go this afternoon and update.
  6. MickeyT

    Cardo Freecom 2x review. DO NOT BUY

    Nee fok Kokkie - ek sweer die stuff wat mens van Temu af bestel gaan n beter sound quality hê.
  7. MickeyT

    Cardo Freecom 2x review. DO NOT BUY

    Which one do you have? The Freecom is really bad.
  8. MickeyT

    Cardo Freecom 2x review. DO NOT BUY

    In 2015 I bought myself a Sena 20S and enjoyed it thoroughly. Great quality, great sound, great functions. I used it every day during commuting to listen to my audiobooks, music and radio. Then now, I decided to invest in another set, and as the Sena is now already at the 50S and 50R, so has...
  9. MickeyT

    Riding in traffic

    On my way back from work another one - if you do a certain route every day, and you say thanks to cagers giving a bit of way. Tomorrow they will remember you and will give way quicker
  10. MickeyT

    Riding in traffic

    O, ja - snaaks genoeg - taxis kyk meeste van die tyd uit vir bikes. As jy n taxi n gap gee, gee hy dit 10-voudig terug. Daar is, soos altyd, uitsonderings, maar gewoonlik is hulle baie meer bewus van waar bikes is as ander cagers.
  11. MickeyT

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Nee, ek dink dis die ekstra vetjies wat sy bymekaar gemaak het na haar val...
  12. MickeyT

    Riding in traffic

    Ek dreig elke oggend na my commute om so n thread te begin. Nie om te bitch nie, maar bloot om tips en raad van almal in een thread bymekaar te bring. So, if you have anything to add, please do so! 1. Don't ride in the middle of a lane (between the two "ruts" of cagers' wheels) - that is where...
  13. MickeyT

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Vra n bietjie van Foxi wat hy van haar dink... 😄 Die goose het mos destyds haar bike na hom toe gevat nadat sy haar agterste shock opgedonner het. Ek het lanklaas n man so hoor mor!
  14. MickeyT

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Ek het! En ek het rerig hard probeer! I just can't see it. Dit lyk soos daai eerste Lego bikes wat ek as n kind gebou het.
  15. MickeyT

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Kyk, mens kry nie sommer n rerige lelike bike nie, maar fokkit... Daai ding is seriously fugly.
  16. MickeyT

    Old enough for proper garage?? Weskus se storie..

    Lekker man! Hierdie een gaan ek ook volg!
  17. MickeyT

    Sorted BMW 1200 either the GS or GSA

    No THIS is what I like of WD - chatted to Tian and he is bringing it through on a trailer. I am so impressed with his dealing, I have decided to buy the bike before I have even seen it. Thanks Tian - it is a pleasure doing business with you!
  18. MickeyT

    Sorted BMW 1200 either the GS or GSA

    That sounds perfect! Give me a WA on 0832616000