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  1. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Show us your Lockdown Projects in & around the house

    shot, my boet is the local duram rep here in pe...ill rev him for some discount.. :deal: >:D
  2. Knucklhead/knuckey

    4X4 Oil Catch Can

    show us the cruiser boet
  3. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Show us your Lockdown Projects in & around the house

    dirtyXT  what paint did you use on the floor ..looks mooi  :thumleft:
  4. Knucklhead/knuckey

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    taking over the TV room..note the new addition to the right... a new boss... :deal:
  5. Knucklhead/knuckey

    You meet the nicest people on a Honda

    congrats Dors , yes i did post a pic  :biggrin:....somehow the hottie on the pic I posted has now disappeared , you showed us the cut version  :pot: :peepwall:
  6. Knucklhead/knuckey

    PE dawgs come in please

    some of these roadblockers are really cnuts.. i hav e asmall palce in jbay, i tried to get to jbay to top up my pre paid electricity from uitenhage as i have stuff in my fridge ...told me to let my stuff vrot, i was going nowhere..reported to SAPs office, i was not supported.. oh by the way...
  7. Knucklhead/knuckey

    PE dawgs come in please

    Hello Dors Jason my son has permitted travel and he has personally experienced roadblocks at: 1) R75 at the Addo gravel road turnoff..just past that towards Uitenhage there's a nice pull off place. ( that position negates the gravel road from addo as well) 2) there has been a block at the...
  8. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Spot the location!

    that looks like when approaching willowmore from Graaf reinet with the beervlei dam on the right
  9. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Show us your Lockdown Projects in & around the house

    very nice would ypu mind sharing your design with me, dimensions etc..if you have it thanks KH
  10. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Sandy Shortcuts through Sudan

    Kom bru  :sip:
  11. Knucklhead/knuckey

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    difficult to see what wire is the loose one , if it the black one - does that black wire reach where  the red arrow is pointed? from what i can see the the two connectors to the right of the motor breaker are only strip guess it must go in opposite the black wire on the top.
  12. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Show us your Lockdown Projects in & around the house

    or you may need them sooner  :biggrin: :peepwall:
  13. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Pimping trailer lockdown

    lekka dutchman ekse  :biggrin: :pot:
  14. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Harley Davidson

    My deal gone south with this covid story, kept cash in cash i need it  :thumleft:
  15. Knucklhead/knuckey

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    I reckon that is the best weather for HB
  16. Knucklhead/knuckey

    EC BASH 2020 - CANCELLED !

    will this still be on in the light of corona virus and the recommendation that all activities with large groups of people be avoided.  :deal: :peepwall:
  17. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Harley Davidson

    apparently this one is fuel injected..what model is yours ?
  18. Knucklhead/knuckey

    Harley Davidson

    thanks for all the replies....from checking at all of the PM's i received expressing interest in this scoot, id say many of you ouens are all Harley lovers and don't want to admit it publicly  :lol8: