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  1. Thump

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    Yes, the moon has been great the last few nights Well done on your efforts.
  2. Thump

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    thats so cool, can see your excitement, lekker
  3. Thump

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    Nice pics there.
  4. Thump

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    You need a longer stick, LOL and use a circular motion, it wraps the web around the stick. You lucky being outdoors at a time like this, enjoy
  5. Thump

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    Yes, I agree, a video of your cycle should be great. Well done, I'm envious of all who stay Out of town at present, LOL
  6. Thump

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    How can I remain productive? What is my reason to get out of bed? Set a time to: catch up on Ride reports Research areas you had an interest in, but never actually spent time on. Research outlooks that you've always disagreed with, to try and understand their points of view. Make sure you get...
  7. Thump

    Vote for Michnus

    It is the only Bike one so a no Brainer
  8. Thump

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    Love that place. Got many memories
  9. Thump

    Harley Davidson
  10. Thump

    Meanwhile in Canada 🇨🇦

    Don't listen to these bloodthirsty guys, Just post pics of the sexy nurses. All the best on your op and recovery, I pray it all goes well
  11. Thump

    Bikefest Jbay 2020

    Got there Saturday, thought I should have been there on Friday. I think if you go in a group of friends you can kuier nice, I also think they should hand out programs at least for how much you pay to be there. And to make matters worse, I never won the BMW competition at Windfarm either. :(
  12. Thump

    Roads in a distance.

    That was perfect uncle ChrisL :)
  13. Thump

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    Some nice pics, Sardine Thanks for sharing
  14. Thump

    Roads in a distance.

    ChrisL, you need to get your quoting sorted, it's confusing for us with low thinking capacity, LOL
  15. Thump

    Girls with bikes!

    This must be what the sensor board protected us from???
  16. Thump

    Girls with bikes!

    Maybe that's why Gerrard looks so grumpy? Shame on you okes
  17. Thump

    Girls with bikes!

    I used to have a boss whose Father In Law was on the old censorship board. He maintained it is imperative to save the people from the negative aspects of pornography, violence,  etc. My boss would ask him who saves him from what he sees? Surely his mind must be corrupt by now?
  18. Thump

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    Us special okes are apparently tedious, LOL. Sardine, those are some great pics, keep em coming
  19. Thump

    Woman nabbed with suspected stolen motorcycles in PE

    Manic wishes he had a 24yr old wife.[emoji1787] Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk