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  1. jb

    1150 Front shock seals - getting old ones out?????

    I only topped it up a bit, trying to judge what I lost on the left one that leaked and lost some in the other one while trying to measure the level (don't ask...) - maybe I added a bit to much, shocks definitely a bit stiffer than before. Will this cause any problems? Took it out for a drive...
  2. jb

    1150 Front shock seals - getting old ones out?????

    Think I got it right....  ;D Thanks!
  3. jb

    1150 Front shock seals - getting old ones out?????

    Thanks Frannarossi, eventually got them out. With a lot of swearing and little bit of blood....... Next question, how much oil do I top it up with? Will it be ok to fill it up - the excess oil to be squeezed out when fork leg is replaced?
  4. jb

    1150 Front shock seals - getting old ones out?????

    I am replacing the front shock seals - everything went smooth down to removing the old seals. How do I get them out - I tried to pry them out as per instructions posted a while back but they won't bulge. Any advice. Please!
  5. jb

    shock oil???

    Julle maak my deurmekaar....ja, en ek is tegnies erg gestremd. So, watter olie word aanbeveel vir voorste shock? En hoeveel daarvan? Het een voorste shock wat lek en wil albei seëls vervang. Gaan daar van die olie verlore met die proses, moet al die olie vervang word of top mens net op?
  6. jb

    R1150/1100 GS/A Owners ,sharing info , new products & advice & videos

    Thanks Welsh!  :thumleft: That was the problem - the "bad" image could have been my cable.
  7. jb

    R1150/1100 GS/A Owners ,sharing info , new products & advice & videos

    Dan, thanks for responding. Sorry, ek is tegnies gestremd,  :( where do I check if the cable is seated properly.
  8. jb

    R1150/1100 GS/A Owners ,sharing info , new products & advice & videos

    Computer reset? I had a flat battery couple days ago and took it out to have it recharged. Replaced it this morning but hell, now there is a backfire and splutter and does not even idle. Klink sommer heeltemal verkeerd. Someone suggested that the computer has to be reset. Replaced the battery...
  9. jb

    2009 V-Strom 650

    Wat jy waar kry? Jy moet 'n slag jou tabak verander..............
  10. jb

    2009 V-Strom 650

    Unfortunately not, bought the bike with the GPR. Must say - very nice sound and bike has definitely better performance than his previous Strom with standard exhaust. 
  11. jb

    2009 V-Strom 650

    A friend is selling his V-Strom and is looking at R60,000. The bike is in an excellent condition. Can be viewed in Krugersdorp. 8,400km New Rear Anakee (Done 200km) Kappa High Screen Kappa Panniers Choice of Kappa OR Givi Topbox Crash Bars Engine Guard GPR Exhaust Shark Helmet (L) included
  12. jb

    Sweet dreams...

  13. jb

    Magaliesburg Dirt Ride Sunday 6th March

    A very enjoyable ride. My first time out with a pack of WD' s. Thanks guys!
  14. jb

    Magaliesburg Dirt Ride Sunday 6th March

    Dit lyk lekker. As ek dit kan maak mag ek net opdaag of moet ek vooraf bevestig?
  15. jb

    XT660R - FOUND! YAY!

    As jy sponsor dan pillion ek jou. Jy mag die terugroete beplan.......  :deal:
  16. jb

    R1150/1100 GS/A Owners ,sharing info , new products & advice & videos

    Ja, BMW het die manier om mens se dag op te kikker.....  :imaposer:Kwoteer R1702 vir battery (R700 vir die aftermarket een). Het een by Willards Centurion gekry vir R480 min WD-afslag. Thanks WheelieDog!
  17. jb

    R1150/1100 GS/A Owners ,sharing info , new products & advice & videos

    Yep, sounds that way. Damn…..  Any idea where to look for a new one (not BMW)?  Still awaiting response to PM sent to WheelieDog as I believe he sells them.
  18. jb

    R1150/1100 GS/A Owners ,sharing info , new products & advice & videos

    Krrrr...............  :o ??? That's the noise my bike make before refusing to start. Is it safe to assume that the battery is on it's way out? BMW Gel battery, not sure how old, bought it with bike which I have for about 16 months now.