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  1. Kelevra

    What to bring back to Aus from a ZA trip

    Redbacks, RM Williams, Bluntstones. Anything Driza Bone and an Akubra hat.
  2. Kelevra

    Sold KTM 990 ADV 2007

    Enige upgrade van 'n 990 af is 'n Ducati...daar is maar niks soos 'n V twin nie.
  3. Kelevra

    Sold KTM 990 ADV 2007

    This looks like a new bike, 45 600Km wow, bet it has never seen dirt? Or did you borrow @Noneking bike washing machine? Bargain!
  4. Kelevra

    Offroad biased road legal tyre choice, seeking real world experience please

    TKC 80 front and Motoz tractionater adventure rear (990 Adv R)
  5. Kelevra

    Wanted 2011/2012 KTM 990 ADv R

    Wrong year (2010) and approximately 45K MIGHT come op for sale.
  6. Kelevra

    Sold Ducati 916

    I had the 748 in yellow, 1098 in red. Nice bike!
  7. Kelevra

    Bros what do we do against the taxi problem???

    The newest addition, and the ones I am most scared of, is these kamikaze delivery bikers all over the show. They have zero biking skills, SA is going to look like some of those eastern countries soon.
  8. Kelevra

    Sold 2009 KTM990R in amazing condition!

    Beautiful specimen, almost as pretty as mine :)
  9. Kelevra

    Leatt Boots Giveaway!

    Blank and Orange thanks
  10. Kelevra

    Sold 2020 KTM500 16hrs

    Hehe lankal die somme gemaak prima plus 2 oor 6 jaar R2332/Maand Mens mag maar droom. Tman hou die ding, hy wat met die meeste speelgoed doodgaan wen!
  11. Kelevra

    Sold 2020 KTM500 16hrs

    Kan jy hom vir my oor 7 jaar finansier? :unsure:
  12. Kelevra

    Sold SOLD KTM 950 SE SOLD

    So this happens the day my wife decides to renovate our home... Discount? I can throw in a 1993 Camry with 350 000km and a fucked alternator. Also have an used LG front loader washing machine that needs some TLC. I can also do odd jobs during weekends to make up the difference? I am even...
  13. Kelevra

    990 problem - please help

    Dis 'n beter idee, kyk maar net mooi daai o rings is partykeer moeilik om reg in te sit, ek neem aan as jy 'n tand kan stop behoort dit redelik maklik te wees.
  14. Kelevra

    990 problem - please help

    Ek het presies dieselfde probleem gehad op 'n trip eenkeer, as ek throttle gee dan voel dit of die bike mis. Het die petrolpomp uitgehaal en hyt net soos joune gelyk. Ek het hom met carb cleaner gespuit tot hy skoon is (Dit was in 2012 en ek ry nog steeds met hom sonder probleme) het wel 'n...
  15. Kelevra

    Help me to do the math

    You can probably do the math with excel (solver) using linear programming or cost benefit analysis but then present value of money and discount rates becomes important. Also indirect and opportunity costs will play a role. Then you have revealed preferences and hedonic pricing in terms of the...
  16. Kelevra

    Cleaning your cockpit, switchgear

    After washing and drying I use a compressor to get rid of water in unreachable places, including the switchgear, nuts, bolts, calipers etc.
  17. Kelevra

    Jumpstarting/charging points on a 990

    Hi Guys So its winter time again and I am looking for a way to make the charging exercise a bit easier. At the moment I charge the battery by connecting the charger directly to the battery poles, I also use this method to jumpstart the bike. For this I obviously remove the bashplate and battery...
  18. Kelevra

    SOLD Bull It Kevlar Biker Jeans - 34L

    I will take it for that price if you are willing to postnet?
  19. Kelevra

    LF Front rim for the 990

    Dankie, ek hoor hy gee graag afslag ook  :thumleft: