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  1. D

    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    Your old Ford Van must be tough, he has even bubble wrapped the post next to it.  ;D
  2. D

    Life in ..... WTF moments

    Ive been in the UK  since January and still smile when the traffic comes to a standstill because of a fender bender, The emergency lane is clear or if there is no emergency lane, the cars part for emergency service vehicles. Not one taxi in the way, blocking the lane or tailgating the ambulance...
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    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    So I started to look around on EBay I was under the impession that that I had one in the garage, but must have given it away years ago. Grizz, Im sure you bought a set for the bakkie. They are probably right next to the box of castors that you missed placed. I'll come down to help you look for...
  4. D

    Teardrop Build - not for the pedantic and purist....

    They probably assume you know more about global warming than they do  ;D
  5. D

    Teardrop Build - not for the pedantic and purist....

    Maverick, your ear. Your pencil must be kept behind your ear. That way its always with you, as for the rest of your tools, well how big are your ears ?  :biggrin: I wonder how many houses in the Karoo have a Spider surfboard in the garage ????????
  6. D

    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    I cant believe how straight immaculate the front and rear bumpers are. Nice going boet
  7. D

    ZEN and the WILDDOG SOCIAL TOUR -With XT JOE in BAVIAANS (page 7)

    Ja Gerrard, time flies. The post before yours was from HarryThe Buffalo, who lost his son too early. Dave, thinking of you buddy even if you dont post on here much anymore.
  8. D

    Life in America - We made the move.

    and not one photo of ship, fish, bloody finger, fixed gate.........Its getting hard to believe you Gary    ::)
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    Pleez. Talk some sense to me......URGENT!

    Go for it but post pics  :thumleft: No common sense was used in the formulation of this reply
  10. D

    A swarm of fiftees

    Now I feel really old. I matriculated in 80 so most of the bikes at school were slightly older that the majority of those. Like the yellow Yammie. The first bike I ever rode was a friends Suzuki like the Bronze colour one in the photo. Correct me if Im wrong but I think it was an AC 50.
  11. D

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Gary, thanks for the feedback, glad it all went well. Time probably flew whilst you were over there. Regarding your statement above. I have noticed with my kids that they are way more aware of the political situation by the time they leave school than our generation ever were. They also know...
  12. D

    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    I like that COE next to the Caboose. Any more photos, I want to see whats on the back ?
  13. D

    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    Officer Thomas looks like he has heard of your 'skop to the ballas' technique. His hand is hovering in protection. Grizz, you have kept us entertained for many years with you travels, hobbies, purchases and life in general, keep it up my friend. When are you back home, I need to visit, have...
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    Kief Airhead pics

    I inspected as close I could to the actual bike andbcame to the same conclusion. It would kind of match the indicators on the bar ends.
  15. D

    Kief Airhead pics

    Eberhard, did you take those photos ? I also took pics of it yesterday at Goodwood Revival. Although I didnt see the signboard with the bikes details.
  16. D

    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    Keep the photos coming. Those streets dont look nice enough to be walking around in slops  -sif !
  17. D

    Motocrossers from the past and the present.

    That is sad.  :o You miss out on all you friends and people you dont know telling you when they are going for a shower, photos of their food, lots of motivational quotes, their idyllic lifestyle and obviously not a care in the world. As said by Clockwork Orange, you are way better off without it.
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    Motocrossers from the past and the present.

    Sounds interesting, Cathy was at school with me. Cant remember if she was the same year but close enough.
  19. D

    Back on a Bike (bikeless no more)

    Hi Jon That's brilliant news and congrats on the new bike, I know you will do it justice. You live in possibly the best area in ZA for having exciting routes on your doorstep, go get muddy. Take care James
  20. D

    Goodwood Festival of Speed 2018 - UK

    Yes, Wynns 1000. The BMW's and the Kolbenschmidt Escort. Loved that race. I hope to add more to this thread because this coming weekend Im going to Goodwood Revival.