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  1. D

    69 Mach1 restoration

    I see you already have a Mustang, the maroon one but this is going to much better, an iconic shape.
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    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    Hey Rian, just as well you didn't take your guests around to Eastbourne. I see they suffered some type of toxic 'Haze' that blew in off the sea. people battling with burning eyes.
  3. D

    KZN to JHBurg/Pretoria and return

    Have you checked with Startline in Pinetown ?
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    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    Hey Dozer, nice to hear from you buddy. Although I didn't need Rian to post a pic of you groin or you in bed with your legs apart. Some of us are trying to eat breakfast when reading WD. Get well and get riding  :thumleft:
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    08 KLR, Power loss, smothered and flat sound

    You have cleaned the tank and you have cleaned the carb. Did you replace/blow out the pipe that links the two ? maybe a piece of this film is stuck in the pipe
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    69 Mach1 restoration

    Ja, same reason for my question. Maybe the 'before' photos are very old or hid some bad workmanship/rust
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    What question would you ask Charley Boorman?

    Weren't they wanting to do their first trip on KTM's but KTM wouldn't come to the party. BMW stepped up and offered assistance. I may be wrong.
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    69 Mach1 restoration

    Ooooooh, great car. Love the muscle cars. How old are the 'before' pics because it looks in good condition. So next question then is why the need for a bare metal strip down ? If I can be so rude to comment about the wheels.  I think they are too modern and too large. That car needs less...
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    Biker kidnapped - end of a travelling era in Africa?- Resolved

    My thoughts exactly. Anyway, moving on...what about his sister  ::)
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    Suzuki GS1000SZ Katana

    haha, standard equipment on most bikes back then.
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    Suzuki GS1000SZ Katana

    I love to hear these stories of big bikes in the 80's. I Matriculated in 1980 but never owned a motorbike. From school I went to Braamfontein Tech College. Wow, did my eyes get opened there. I was the youngest guy by the time I got to N6 as I did all the theory one after the other. I was the...
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    Life in America - We made the move.

    Mr Zog, regarding the stripping down of the furniture. I have seen people (read: not done it myself) scraping off the varnish by dragging a straight edge of glass over the surface. Wear gloves. It may be faster that sanding and able to get into tight corners.
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    Runner to the Rescue (Twice)

    So Pebbles asked for discount then ?
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    Biker kidnapped - end of a travelling era in Africa?- Resolved

    Only time will tell. I hope he gets professional help. No matter how well he was treated, there is still damage. I hope he can get work and throw himself into something that he wants to do. He may never want to go near a motorbike again ??
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    Biker kidnapped - end of a travelling era in Africa?- Resolved

    This is great news. Welcome home Stephen. Sad news that his mom passed away before he got home.
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    Remedy for a midlife crisis?

    Welcome Sny I got my first bike at age 46. Im now 55 with 3 bikes and making up for lost time. Its never too late
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    Life in America - We made the move.

    Gary, unfortunately you have another expense coming up. If you are going to be buying a Deep Cycle battery (not cheap) you will also need an intelligent charger as you will not be using it on a regular basis and Deep Cycles don't like being flat (neglected) for long periods.
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    Girls with bikes!

    Why are those girls advertising Anal lube ? oh wait, my mistake, I scrolled through too quickly.
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    Sani Pass day trip from Durban - possible?

    As per what bud500 says, very doable and probably even better that you are staying the night in the area. However, coming from the great state of Toti, I would slab it through Bulwer and do Sani first then Lower Lothini afterwards or the next day, depending where you are going to spend the...
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    email sent Im having problems zipping pdf documents. They just don't reduce in size enough to email.