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  1. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    I caught a bit of flack for this comment, and was told I am an ungrateful sh1t  >:D So I relent - two minutes is fine for the formalities.  ;D
  2. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    Averages for July for Mooi River July listed as 18-13-8 (Max Avg Min) Aug 23-18-12 Since the bash is first week Aug I would expect  20-15-10 (Max-Avg-Min) Tent, bottle of Obies and warm sleeping bag will be fine  :biggrin: <- blue to indicate temp. Aug and Sept are the most common months...
  3. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    Ah Yes. The "papagaai met die aaptwak" sticker.  :biggrin:  ;D 
  4. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    I always thought the cannabis plant is pretty. Once, going up Sani, we were staying in that Haunted Hotel in Bulwer. We shoot into the local pub in Bulwer, and I notice the barman has lekker red eyes. When I go for a leak and see why. There was this moerse groot  bush growing out the window...
  5. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    Does the sticker design feature a cannabis plant? There is lots in the area ! :pot:
  6. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    Okay, so I did this over the weekend and bought a 5-person tent for the back of the car, so the offer is confirmed.
  7. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    . . . . and a request, that may not be popular. I always find the closing formalities at bashes a bit much, and a bit irritating, and would much prefer a little speech along the lines of "thanks for coming, thanks to the sponsors, see you next year". Most of the folk at bash, I have not seen...
  8. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    Okay. I'm in and paid - I person camping - all meals. But now, since I am bikeless and coming by car, I decided to be a larney and bought myself a serious camping stretcher and mattress. Bad news is that the stretcher duzznt fit my tent, so I need to get a new one with a bit more space. ...
  9. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    For those not familiar with Tommy's units of measure, a smidgeon it is about 1.27 Firkins, and a Firkin equates to about 36.971 Litres.
  10. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    And waddabout us ex-riders hey? hey?  ;D I see the top of Sani is only 115Km from the bash spot. Time to get passports sorted out.
  11. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    Yup - The water will be |<-->| cold.
  12. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    If you dont mnd a non-rider tagging along I am in. I can do the cappucinno deliveries to halfway house.
  13. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    I wonder who the first guy was who looked at the back of a cow and thought, "I wonder what will happen if I pull those things?" mmmmm ?
  14. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    Some more pic from the area:-
  15. G

    KZN BASH 2017 - 4, 5 & 6 August 2017

    Got room for a bike-less old guy? I can provide rider support services.  ;D Stayed at Zonk Lake a few months ago, and drove past Glengarry on the Kamberg Lotheni Rd. Lovely riding area.
  16. G

    Op die trip van 'n leeftyd.

    It's really good to see my ole bike seeing new bits of the country. I wish I had had a chance to see that part of the world, but such is life. Second prize is to read the reports, and see the pictures. It is so much better than just to send  a bike to who-knows-where. Enjoy Robert, and all...
  17. G

    Spy shots of (suposedly) new BMW 310 gs ?

    Found this googling.   Been on the forum ? Anyone know if this is legit ? O mio Italiano e multo uptoshiti
  18. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Hey Doc. . . Good to see you still in the bike world. Any trans-African trips done/planned ? And what the hell is going on at our old alma mater? If you still involved there please stop those students from burning the place down - I have pleasant memories of the place. 
  19. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Hi Robert, I am really pleased the way this whole thing turned out. It makes me really feel good that the bike has gone to someone who I feel will enjoy it. I hope it gives you as many great rides as it gave me, and I hope we get to see places in your part of the world where the bike takes...
  20. G

    New Honda ADV Scooter

    This is interesting, and relevant to me as I have just parted with my XT660Z. I admit I am a member of a very small market population - 64 year-olds with post-open-heart-surgery bike-lift limitations and shot knees are hardly a lucrative target. It was a scooter that got me into DS riding...