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  1. G

    Lecap. Exactly how big is our favourite German?

    I remember this guy coming on a training course near Harties - I think his name was Jumper or WhiteSnake. I can't remember his real-life name. He is now just Guest. He had no bar raisers on his XT. There were a few stories that he had lost his fuel cap and this position was to stop the...
  2. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Yup - Forester got us home no problem. Missed the planned Kamberg/loteni/himeville/pavensey road home and took the blacktop, but will do another weekend. Forester getting a new set of HT cables being built by a German specialist dude in JHB - R900 vs R3200 at the stealer. My mechanic says the...
  3. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Where we went - Lots of the country left though.
  4. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    So sad today - bye bye old friend - go well . . . . .
  5. G

    Durban ride routes

    Can't help with techy stuff, but can help with scenic.
  6. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Hi Mr Shesha !! *sigh* - It's not the age - it's the mileage.  ;D Still gainfully employed. In Durbs co-opted onto a project doing a data migration / System upgrade. We are about 3 years into a 4 year project, and still have about three years left - you know how these projects go. After...
  7. G

    Yammie scrambler

    Mr Price or Tekkie Town stock them.
  8. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    *sniff* A deal has been negotiated and accepted, and now we are just on the logistics. But now the doubts start to hit home. Maybe I am in too much of a hurry. Maybe he won't like the bike. Naah. I have to go through with it. I always though I was a tough guy. Turns out I was a...
  9. G

    Heavy vs light bike and wind/ approaching trucks

    I'm with you. My (soon to be ex  :'( ) tenere is far better in wind than my old KLE500 was - that was a bitch on the freeway with a stiff wind blowing. Both those bikes were in the 180-190 Kg range. My Kymco 300 scooter weighs 158Kg, and even with the chin-high screen I have fitted, hardly...
  10. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Whyfore you peekin at me from behind that wall ?  ;D  ;D
  11. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    A bit of feedback for some later "applicants"  :biggrin: As per my first post it was my hope that I may find a "youngish" rider, hopefully bikeless, to get started. Strangely there is no one who fitted that mold at all. Almost every person interested is slightly (or in some cases...
  12. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Thanks . . . you still have many more years !!  ;D
  13. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Me too mate. Was thinking about you last Sun. Took a a couple of ladies through the Valley 1k hills and there was an example of boudinage, and I was explaining to them - probably badly, and maybe incorrectly - what happened. I'm going to miss your Geological, and other, insights out on the...
  14. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    and, just to cheer up a sad thread, a pitcha. Went to the Active Virgins for a swim. Found that I had left my goggles at home, so had some steam and detoured home to watch the sunrise. A new camera is gonna have to be my new bike.  :(
  15. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Yup. I fully agree with that. Any PM I got that did not either come from an active WD with a few non-buy-sell posts, or from a recommendation from such a WD is not on my list - irrespective of whether they can pay me a million voorskot or plead poverty. I think quite a number of the PMs I got...
  16. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    @ subie and Dirty Boy, O ye of little faith. May his noodliness, the Flying Spaghettis Monster, extend his noodly appendage and renew your empathy and trust in your fellow humans  ;D Ramen !! Dropped off the forms for duplicate Registration papers - said I have to wait two weeks - eish...
  17. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Oh, and to the guy who sent a message asking me to make up my mind if I was going to part withe the bike or not, and what was I asking, the short answer is "not to you mate"  ;D
  18. G

    Sad, but time to hang up boots and find a loving home for my XT660z

    Eish. Plenty of PMs to go through. Still not had a chance to reply to all. Humble apologies. Going to try to get the reg papers issue resolved, but getting a chance to go to the license people is a problem. And, if any legal savvy reads this a bit of advice would be appreciated. I have...