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  1. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Yeah Yeah. How good do you expect to look when you have been dead for over a hundred years? . . . and on that topic it is sobering to think that when Mozart was my age he had already been dead for 32 years  ::)
  2. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Yup  ;D - Only rain forecast by Weather24 is tonight, and I'll be comfy in bed with Charlotte at Notties Hotel  ;D 
  3. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Prefer my twocast to your onecast  ;D
  4. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    The weather twocast, which is like a like a forecast but only right half the time,  is looking good. 
  5. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Nope -  :deal:  - That was target time at Wartburger Hof as per original plan, so that means on the tar at 06:30ish. Negotiations pending of course.  ;D
  6. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Hi BB, Not Sure.  My original plan was to leave GT and slab it to Wartburger Hoff for brekkie at about 7:00. (=50Km = 30 mins) There was a little (token?) resistance to the plan from guys who had chosen the pre-paid meal option and wanted brekkie at GT before leaving. . . . and expected...
  7. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Be careful on the R74 on the east of the Sterkfontein dam. The road is a bit of a mess - I did it on the way to the Free State Roam on a loaded XT660z. The contractors went bankrupt and just left it as is was. There are some hairy patches where roadworks crushed stone covers potholes, so you...
  8. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    . . . . So I wake early this morning. Grab ipad. Check weather forecast. Looks good. Yeehaa Check bank acc. Tardy debtor with system problems has paid. Yeehaa Check night 'puter test jobs log. Through. No errors. Yeehaa Check order of hobby electronic parts. In Durbs ex Pta Yeehaa. Go to...
  9. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Plan A - The hall may have a TV. Plan B - We find somewhere in Greytown. Plan C - There is no plan C
  10. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    . . .  and it's always nice to have "late entrants" - helps with numbers as there are always a few people who have to drop out at the last moment. 
  11. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    I am not the high priest here Ian - that's Butch - but I don't think he will have a problem. I think you missed the all-inclusive meal option though. JonW is organizing the techy ride, so bring the little bike not the TDM. PM Butch and ask.
  12. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    The farmers, and plenty. But if the weather folk can be trusted it looks like it should ease out a bit before Thursday. @Tommy, what can I get Claudie as a peace offering? I would hate to be donnered by someone I have never met who is riding a nimble little bike I cant ride away from on the...
  13. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Happened to be at Springfield yesterday and had to check out the new Triumph range. Nice design lines - looks really comfy, and a few interesting colours. A flick of the wrist, and it will take off like a homesick angel.  :ricky:
  14. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    That's age-ist and not PC correct. We are now to be referred to as "sexy senior citizens"  :deal:
  15. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    I trust that is Triumph as in "motorcycle" and not as in "under wire bra"  ::) 
  16. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Thx Butch. If they can, lekka. But from my side I don't have much of an issue with stopping along the way for a cuppa coffee and a bite to eat. Personally I would much rather take it easy on the bike and enjoy the ride than rush home 'cos it's lunch time and I don't want to miss the pre-paid...
  17. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    And there is another reason:- If you have rain for a few days - which they predict. And then you have clear - which they predict. And it is cool - which they predict. You can have some incredible photo-ops in the Valley of 1000 hills where the gorges are full of mist and the cliff edges...
  18. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    You also have Scottish blood?  ;D I thought of that too. But I am paying R300 for all the meals, so I am happy to gulp some coffee and down a (low-carb!) rusk or two before heading off und dann können wir ein kleines deutsches Frühstück im Wartburg haben.
  19. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    I have visit-permission emails from both farmers - Thanks to Henning & Ron. KZN farmers are nice guys if you are courteous with them and respect their farms. So the attached track is doable and legit. The total dist is about 230Km - of which about 60% is tar and concrete strip. But there...
  20. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Have permission from the owner of Laager farm to vist. Thats the farm that MadDog and I visited in this RR:- Conditional that I take charge of you hooligans on the Farm, and that we ride together and not scatter all over the farm, and...