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  1. wildside

    For Sale : 2 x Honda 650L

    Covid/Insurrection/s*^t businessman/hunger pangs ....hahaha But no takers so we are forced to keep them.... not a bad thing. So all well. ;)
  2. wildside

    For Sale : 2 x Honda 650L

    2011 and 2012 - both with about 14 000Km. 50k each - ONCO Cel: Kingsley - 082 4436 026 2011 2012
  3. wildside

    Hearts in the Desert (Video Added)

    Enjoying your report....well done. Great photos of a dry, hot and beautiful country.
  4. wildside

    To the Lungs of the Earth

    This is such an awesome RR...really enjoying it.... you have captured some great images and covered some great distances. Looking forward to seeing and learning more. Well done.
  5. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    It is possible to hire canoes and paddle up the wide deep river to see more waterfalls or jump off suicide rock. A pity that this waterfall wasn't flowing over. There is also a shorter walk that takes you up the river to a wonderful viewpoint which enables you to look down river to the...
  6. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    I  highly recommend it.
  7. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    You won't be disappointed.
  8. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    . Good to hear from you Schalk...hope you're keeping well. Are those wheels still turning?
  9. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    The next day, after a comfy nights sleep, we did a 5 km easy hike which took us past the  We Ol Mie 303 wreck, dating back to 1968. We soon crossed over the Mkambati River to find the stunning Mkambati falls. Fortunately there was some running water and we could still appreciate the magnificence...
  10. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    Sorry for the late continuation but time just skipped by  ::) .... will be posting the rest shortly.
  11. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    That must have been an amazing you say 'hard work'. One has to cover big distances in and out from the coastline on a motorbike to try and visit all the coastal resorts but that's what adventure is all about. I'm doing a hike from Port Edward to Port St Johns next year and really...
  12. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    Hope you're keeping well. I think that is one place you will never get tired of's just so chilled with plenty to keep you busy. This is the second time I have heard of those falls since our return and have no idea where they are. I will need to Google them.
  13. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    Hi there. Nope he doesn't work at  Oribi Gorge. If ever you get the opportunity you must get to Mtentu. I can't believe that we waited so long to do it.
  14. wildside

    To the Lungs of the Earth

    I am really enjoying this ride report. Very interesting and useful information. Your photos are awesome and you have captured some lovely scenery. looking forward to learning more about Angola. Well done to you both.
  15. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    This stretch of the 4 x 4 road was a bit bumpy which could prove to be rather challenging in the wet season. The views were awesome as the countryside is so vast with scattered dwellings bringing some splashes of colour to a very dry bushveld. Our last turn to the right, opposite the pink...
  16. wildside

    The MAGIC of MTENTU ~ Transkei

    ANOTHER SMALL PIECE OF PONDOLAND - WILDCOAST.  ~ 2019 With the long weekend on the horizon we decided to visit Mtentu on the Transkei coast which is one place we missed out on due to unavailability during our last trip to Pondoland in 2018 (RR 'A Piece of Pondoland - Wildcoast/Transkei'))...
  17. wildside

    Sedgefield forest explorer

    That looks like such an interesting ride and back roads with awesome scenery. A great RR. Well done
  18. wildside

    Bucket List Ride - Old Mill Drift Pass YES! (VIDEO UPDATE)

    Wow....some amazing riding and stunning views. Well done and thanks for sharing.
  19. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    A very big Thank You to all the readers who have taken the time to follow this RR and made the effort to respond. I have really enjoyed capturing all these memories and your feedback has been most encouraging and makes posting a pleasure. Hopefully I don't have to wait too long till my next...
  20. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    For any one who is interested, Roxy (WILDSIDES Offspring) will be posting a video of our adventure sometime soon.  :happy1: