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  1. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    Thanks for taking the time to follow the story and giving encouraging feedback. Somehow we rose above all it all, stuck together and popped out at the end happy to have fulfilled a dream. Glad you enjoyed it. ;)
  2. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    In this space of time we only saw one chap on a bicycle and he just sped past us in a nervous hurry. About an hour later and with much surprise our 650’s spluttered back to life. I couldn’t believe it! I just loved this bike of mine even just never let me down! It was a relief to be...
  3. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    RETURN TRIP HOME :    30 DECEMBER 2018 – 03 JANUARY 2019  (+/-2600 km) “A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end...but not necessarily in that order.”                                                                                                                             ...
  4. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    We had been so fortunate to still be able to participate in these adventures as a family and these memories will always treasured. We chilled for two nights at Fat Monkeys before loading up our tired bikes and heading back home.                                    ...
  5. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    This was the last leg of the journey. We all decided to swop bikes. :ricky: The final count down :-\ It was a proud moment for me and one of relief for the other two as we approached the comfortable Fat Monkeys Lodge.  We had completed what we had set out to do... achieved our...
  6. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    DAY 13 :  FRIDAY  -  28 DECEMBER 2018 SKINNY HIPPO  to FAT MONKEYS Distance :  65 km “Well it’s all right, riding around in the breeze Well it’s all right, if you live the life you please Well it’s all right, even if the sun don’t shine Well it’s all right, we’re going to the end of the...
  7. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    Thanks for taking the time to follow this RR and for the positive feedback.
  8. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    Thanks Cuzzy...glad to hear you are enjoying it and thanks for following it.....nearly finished ;)
  9. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    Thank you....and never give up thinking about it and hoping for it.  ;)
  10. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    Thanks Wilfwalk...somehow we managed to keep up our spirits and make the most of whatever situation we were in. Having Roxy with us also encouraged us to stay positive and make sure that she also had a good time and enjoyed it. Hahaha...going back now and watching all her gopro footage I came...
  11. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    That mud just became part of our every day routine and we kind of accepted it. Glad you're enjoying it.
  12. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    So encouraging to know you are enjoying the RR. Thanks for following :thumleft:
  13. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    We proceeded, along with the youngsters help, to push Roxy’s bike to the mechanic further on up the road. He knew exactly what to look for as he was familiar with this type of bike. Within half an hour he had cleared the jets in the carb. As he started the bike there was a loud cheer of relief...
  14. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    We were aware of a storm brewing over to the west. The grey clouds hung low and heavy and were  split by the occasional flash of lightening while the thunder rumbled towards us. Keeping a beady eye on the distant we picked up our pace as best we could on these troubled roads. Over some time and...
  15. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    DAY 12 :  THURSDAY  -  27 DECEMBER 2018 LICHINGA to MANDIMA BORDER POST (Moz/Malawi)   155 km  SKINNY HIPPO (MALAWI)  --- 65 km  [Total 220 km] TIME :  9.00am  -  8.00 pm “Roll on thunder shine on lightnin’ The days are long and the nights are frightnin’ Nothing matters and that’s the...
  16. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    Our day wouldn't be complete without one of these off moments. Shortly before we reached Metangula there was a turn off to the left that led us onto a narrow  road which cuts through the bush to the tar road that would take us to Lichinga. At this point I was keen to go via Metangula but the...
  17. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    DAY 11:  WEDNESDAY – 26 DECEMBER 2018 COBUE to  LICHINGA 8.30am  -  3.30 pm    =    265 km “ Day after day I’m more confused, Yet I look for the light in the pouring rain, You know that’s a game that I hate to lose. I’m Feeling the strain, ain’t it a shame.”                               ...
  18. wildside

    Umvoti Awesomeness - Twice

    That scenery is stunning!. I have no idea whereabouts that area is and find it hard to believe such beauty and interesting riding is on our doorstep. You have captured some awesome shots Jon. Thanks for sharing
  19. wildside

    SQUARING THE CIRCLE ~ Lake of Stars

    Thanks so much for your positive feedback. Glad to see someone is enjoying my story. ;) Below is the link to Riding the Rift. (Well I hope it's the right one.) Enjoy....was such an awesome experience as well.
  20. wildside

    2012 Renegade ride report and Pics. nice to see those all those old photos again...such great memories of a wonderful weekend and fun at the Prawn Shack.  Definitely time for another. Hope you are keeping well. Still cycling?