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  1. Malibu

    Rider training help.

    A great site with a lot of information on - has a wealth of information on it, the site just gets deeper and deeper with each highlighted word clicked. It will give him a lot of information on how to be safer, how to look, how to see, how to anticipate, where to place himself...
  2. Malibu

    ADA dual purpose training

    Really chuffed you enjoyed!  It was a great bunch of guys and girls in the group...
  3. Malibu

    Commuting in Winter - what to do about the cold?

    Dug out my winter gear last night, put the jacket and pant linings in, found my Oxford jersey thing, winter gloves and the warm pull-over neck protector... Waddled out to the bike, fired her up, and the remote would not work!!!!! Climbed off, stomped up to the motor, pushed the remote again...
  4. Malibu

    Commuting in Winter - what to do about the cold?

    Stuff a hot water bottle up your jacket... :)  Keeps the important stuff nice a warm! 
  5. Malibu

    ..Pay KIT Forward...

    Bloody nice gloves those!  Do you think they will fit?
  6. Malibu

    The quad racing Wilddog at GXCC 4 - Who is it?

    Just gone through images.... only got the Juniors and Children, and then Quads. It was just tooo dusty for the equipment...
  7. Malibu

    The quad racing Wilddog at GXCC 4 - Who is it?

    Was he riding with the Juniors and Kiddies, or later in the day... I only stayed for the morning... 
  8. Malibu

    The quad racing Wilddog at GXCC 4 - Who is it?

    He is cute!  :) 
  9. Malibu

    The quad racing Wilddog at GXCC 4 - Who is it?

    Went to try get arty images.... with very low shutter speeds... and hopefully some mud...
  10. Malibu

    The quad racing Wilddog at GXCC 4 - Who is it?

    Only saw the shirt in post...
  11. Malibu

    The quad racing Wilddog at GXCC 4 - Who is it?

    It was dusty!  :biggrin:
  12. Malibu

    Kaokoland: a perspective from a pink bike

    *sub*  :)
  13. Malibu

    990 goes to Margate

    I need to go ride again soon.....!
  14. Malibu

    Free State / Natal Escarpment ride

    Bloody brilliant RR!  :)
  15. Malibu

    Lowveld Bundu bashing

    Tooo nice!  :)
  16. Malibu

    Kaokoland...makes you thirsty...for more!

    8) :ricky: :ricky:
  17. Malibu

    Birds of South Africa

    A club entry image in the Black and White section.
  18. Malibu

    Another "Which Helmet" Thread

    Bought this last week... tested it down to the farm this last weekend... Blimmin comfy.... those cute air vents at the top created two very cold spots, but I'd imagine in summer they would be brilliant. Hit some serious rain, got a few drops running down the inside of the lens, but I had no...
  19. Malibu

    The weekend!

    So I was given a 2019 AT Auto for the weekend - picked it up last night... Instant change of plans!  Packing the growly little tart tonight and hitting the highways first thing in the am!  Road trip!  Probably end up in the Lowveld, but if you see a new black AT on the roads, wave! ...