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  1. 1KAT

    Finalise your WD merchandise order here....

    Gonna pay u now, just trying to get thru sum workload here ::) will do shortly today ;)
  2. 1KAT

    Botswana: a water and mosquito affair……

    Hectic, Crazy Adventure of Note guys :P, ur photos tell so much about this trip, & i enjoyed reading all of it, GREAT STUFF :thumleft:
  3. 1KAT

    Finalise your WD merchandise order here....

    1 KAT 1.  RR (L)        R 250 2.  Shipping    R  60 Total:              R 310 Shipping address: MP Logan P.O. Box 2457 Clareinch 7740, Western Cape
  4. 1KAT

    Canola Run 2010 - Caledon, Western Cape 28 Aug 2010

    Likewise, 4 sure :thumleft:  its gonna be fun ;D
  5. 1KAT

    Canola Run 2010 - Caledon, Western Cape 28 Aug 2010

    Missed this last year but will be able 2 do this year, look 4ward
  6. 1KAT

    tankgirl vs GPS, Harley Riders, Barberton Cagers and camping :Þ

    Super RR, and ur photos :thumleft: Well done!
  7. 1KAT

    Plunging into the Rally scene

    Nice video that, love the music with it, thanks for sharing :) So its all happening real soon, u must be soooooo excited to get going with this Rallye, and nervous @ same time :biggrin:, shit what an amazing opportunity! Ur bike is looking good 2, BEST OF LUCK, will be watching ur progress...
  8. 1KAT

    Became a PROUD owner of a KTM

    CONGRATULATIONS MALCOLM    :drif: :drif: Also want one :'(
  9. 1KAT

    WC - 24 July Fun Day

    eish, sowwy guys, cant make it this w.end :'( its a brilliant riding area, used 2 stable my horse in that area couple years ago. have lots of fun :biggrin:
  10. 1KAT

    Have a smiley (dent) on your rim??

    now this is worth looking into, i got a smiley on rear, wonder how it got there :biggrin:
  11. 1KAT

    A spoon of cement with your Richtersveld?

    very lekka RR Kamanya - i would love 2 ride that area sumday :drif:
  12. 1KAT

    950/990 Side Stand Brace

    Received, many thanks :thumleft:
  13. 1KAT

    Some SAND at Rhino Park

    nice ride there guys & girls, the beach looked like huge amount of fun >:D Li, go for it, get the KTM640, superb bike & u look good on it ;)
  14. 1KAT

    Profiling crashes - POLL ADDED

    well said, completely agree
  15. 1KAT

    WC Ride to EC Bash

    Hey u shouting @ me! :laughing4:
  16. 1KAT

    WC Ride to EC Bash

    mmmmm guys, Swartberg Pass is closed :-\
  17. 1KAT

    950/990 Side Stand Brace

    shot Lance, appreciated :thumleft:
  18. 1KAT

    950/990 Side Stand Brace

    Gauteng ======= Adventurer x1 Runner x10 Gavin x1 Funacide x1                <- Paid Darksider x1 Pumpkinpip x1 Herman x1 JustBiking x2              <- Paid SeanW x 2                  <- Paid BoostedGP x 2            <- Paid Free State ========== Zagser x1                  <- Paid...
  19. 1KAT

    The Flaming Nyanja Tour - Malawi 2010 - Ride report complete !!!

    eSKape, that smile at the end says it all ;D lekka trip & RR guys!!!!