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  1. 1KAT

    Baviaans - FEB 2012

    Lekka going there guys :thumleft:  and a very wet Baviaans made for an interesting ride :biggrin: oh, stunning photo's........
  2. 1KAT

    The latest 'conversion' to the DARK SIDE

    Hey Rieks, Baie mooi en sexy fiets :drif:  Congrats turning to KTM - u won't regret it one bit! Enjoy ur new Katoom  :biggrin:
  3. 1KAT

    Glen.Ink in accident

    Only seen this now, really sad reading this :'( I didnt know GlenInk @ all but reading this just made me feel shocked sumhow now...... I wish the family lots of strength during this very difficult time. RIP good guy
  4. 1KAT

    KTM 990s for sale####SOLD####

    That's a clean, good-looking bike :drif: Best of luck with the sale Jakes1 :thumleft:
  5. 1KAT

    WC who is riding where?

    Sorry 2 hear John, shame, the bruising looks bad  :eek7: All the best with ur recovery and that ur back on yer bike soonest  ;) Mish
  6. 1KAT

    DAKAR 2012 - For the Tragics and Junkies

    It's great to see more & more S Africans participating each year ;) Just wish we could have more coverage of it on our TV. All the best guys & gals - will be following this thread with interest ;D
  7. 1KAT

    CT Bike Festival - Special for WD's

    Hey Gorra, U can try a friend of mine in Green Point, their apartment is self-catering & just 10 mins walk from Stadium - very central. Check out their website & enquire with ur dates :thumleft: Good luck ;)
  8. 1KAT

    Western Cape Amageza qualifier 5 November (video page 6)

    Referral to Kamanya's bike  ;D
  9. 1KAT

    Western Cape Amageza qualifier 5 November (video page 6)

    Love that KTM just doing its thing esp 2nd pic  >:D What an awsum machine  :drif:
  10. 1KAT

    WOA Somerset - Go Hentie & Mineke!!!!!

    Congrats on ur shop opening Hentie & co! I will come past there sumtime soon & check it all out........i do have a long shopping list ;D
  11. 1KAT

    Western Cape Amageza qualifier 5 November (video page 6)

    SB & PO, u guys have taken sum FANTASTIC photos!!!!!! Well done guys for riding Amageza  ;) And Legadema, hope ur not too sore today - u must ride slower ;D  ( i didnt say that.....)
  12. 1KAT

    GT Amageza Assessment - No sand but....

    Such a feel-good video - well done Hoofseun :thumleft: The poor thing looked so tired when u got it onto ur bike, sure u must have been tired also trying to get it out after all the attempts.  Just love a happy-ending :)
  13. 1KAT

    WANTED URGENT - KTM Mini Adventure !!!

    I also want 2 knw what it is........ :patch:
  14. 1KAT

    Marco Simoncelli

    Sad to read.... RIP Marco
  15. 1KAT

    In Loving Memory - Watty UPDATED

    This is really sad to hear & read  :'( I met Watty back in 2008 at EC bash - a kind, unassuming soul and a true gentleman. RIP.  Condolences to the rest of his family & kids.
  16. 1KAT


    Bam :'( pm sent to you
  17. 1KAT

    KTM Long Sleeve Tees - orders CLOSED

    Payment made. Thanks very much ;)