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  1. 1KAT

    Do you want Albert Hintenaus to tell us all about Dakar 2011 - PING TAU

    1. Tau 2. Justin Powerflow 3. buzzlightyear 4. GeoffB 5. Domstes 6. Whitedelight+ a few others(can get numbers) 7. Superfoxi 8. etiennenxr 9. skedonki (and maybe some more) 10. G1_ 11.  1 KAT  
  2. 1KAT

    KTM 950 wanted - Gauteng

    and another....
  3. 1KAT

    KTM 950 wanted - Gauteng

    Here u go Bollie, beaut bike :drif:
  4. 1KAT

    KTM 950 wanted - Gauteng

    :imaposer:  u silly boys!!  hehe
  5. 1KAT

    5 Days ON OUR OWN

    This RR just gets better & better....... :P Beautiful church there, is that in Graaff Reinett?
  6. 1KAT

    5 Days ON OUR OWN

    Gosh, ur photos are stunning :thumleft: Beautiful area.....thx for sharing ur experience with us
  7. 1KAT

    Tim Donaldson threads merged

    So sad this.... RIP Tim
  8. 1KAT

    I've finally taken the leap. 1200gsa out, 990 adv in

    that's a  :drif: bike u got there - excellent decision!  congrats!!
  9. 1KAT

    KTM Pics

    Really gr8 pic this, its my new screensaver 4 a while >:D
  10. 1KAT


    Cool, lets hook up @ Forries soon, I will even take u on Katie if u nice hahaha  :biggrin:
  11. 1KAT


    :laughing4:  Have u left yet G ::)
  12. 1KAT

    Amageza Run (Clanwilliam)

    1) Kameelkop 2) Crossed-up 3) Firecoast *Marshall* 4) Snafu (Date dependent) 5) Mr Big  (Date dependent) 6) Buff 7) YamaV 8 ) Weskus 9) Legadema 10) Mark Hardy 11) spankme 12) spider pigs dad 13) Katoom 14) Kat 15) Temik 16) Koplamp 17) Dreyer 18) Thys 19) Andy660 20) Mof (90%) 21) Rough Rider...
  13. 1KAT

    Amageza Run (Clanwilliam)

    Note: Please review post 1! 1) Kameelkop 2) Crossed-up 3) Firecoast  *Marshall* 4) Snafu (Date dependent) 5) Mr Big  (Date dependent) 6) Buff 7) YamaV Weskus 9) Legadema 10) Mark Hardy 11) spankme 12) spider pigs dad 13) Katoom 14) Kat 15) Temik 16) Koplamp 17) Dreyer 18) Thys 19) Andy660...
  14. 1KAT

    Tau's Dakar dreams TBC...

    1) BiG DoM  icon_thumleft 2) DieselDog1000 3) Gideon (GJ) icon_thumleft 4) Buff 5) oo7 - go get'em tauger! 6) Heimer. R1000,00. Jy fokken MOET net hierdie ding doen.    Pledge redeemed. 7) Big H  :thumleft 8 ) Jacko - R1000. Dis soos Heimer se. 9) Biesie - R1000 10)  1 KAT :thumleft:
  15. 1KAT

    Tau's Dakar dreams TBC...

    Good luck Tau, i will support where i can :thumleft:
  16. 1KAT

    Finally took the plunge

    Welcome here  :biggrin:
  17. 1KAT

    My 2011 Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge!

    Damn thats crap news.....glad ur more or less ok. I had 2 ribs plated while back cause they just would not mend alone in 4-6 wk period.  It was worth plating in the end.  1 wk later i was back on my bike.  Think bout the plating option :thumleft: 
  18. 1KAT

    FOUND: KTM 640 Adventure

    Congratulations Jano,she is a real beauty  :mwink: U got a great deal there.  Enjoy every minute on ur katie!!
  19. 1KAT

    AWESOME taiwanese bank ad, with motorcycles

    That's just beautiful to see......81 yrs old - just shows what can still be done regardless of age :thumleft: