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  1. 1KAT

    My 2011 Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge!

    Brilliant stuff Kenesis :biggrin: Will keep an eye out on ur progress.  Good luck with ur preparations for this ride.  So much 2 prepare & paperwork..not 2 mention the costs
  2. 1KAT

    950 vs 990 vs 990S vs 990R (With poll)

    I've had the opportunities to ride the 950, 990 Adv & 990S - all 3 are exceptional beasts >:D Best experience was the 950.... the throttle felt easier to handle than the others. The S is just way to tall for me - in fact i cant get my tippy toes 2 touch the ground he he... The 990Adv felt...
  3. 1KAT

    Now THIS is riding...

    :drif:  thx BB, watching this now made me want 2 get onto my bike & just go ride!!!!!!!!
  4. 1KAT

    Cape Town dogs contact for Steve the bike collector?

    He he, us KTM riders are nice people u know ;D Pleasure!
  5. 1KAT

    450 KTM Rally Replica commercially availible

    :drif: :drif: this is a BEAUTIFUL lookin' bike........i will just dream on!
  6. 1KAT

    Dakar 2011 Thread

    Thx BB & all others who contributed on this Dakar thread :thumleft:  My favourtie read for the past 17 days CONGRATULATIONS Albert, u did us proud :hello2: :hello2: And Alfie, u truly are a legend :biggrin: Its ur ride in the Dakar 2012 Neil :P
  7. 1KAT

    Hintenaus Rallyraid RSA Dakar hope 2011.

    :headbang: Go Albert!!!!!!!!  U'r stylin' :biggrin:
  8. 1KAT

    JustCrutches becomes JustWannebeBiking

    All the best with the healing JB, take care :thumleft:
  9. 1KAT

    Dakar 2011 Thread

    He crashed in special Stage 8 sadly, damaged the tendon in his knee bad apparently
  10. 1KAT

    DS training Done and Dusted

    :imaposer:  Good one Etienne, enjoy :P
  11. 1KAT

    Miss Yami Memorial ride.

    Yami + Daughter ( a car will also follow with a friend who was with me when it happened and my son) + other family meeting at Stellies Buff + Mrs Buff Jan (Buff's swaer) Buzz Snafu Stoetbul (top of Hells with 2 Stroke) 2 Stroke Dan (meeting at the top with Stoetie) Oom Foe-rie DustyRusty...
  12. 1KAT

    Parents sell child!

    I got 2 ride Jezabel last yr briefly, that is one hellofa sexy bike & is lekka 2 ride :biggrin:  Enjoy GW :thumleft:
  13. 1KAT

    GoGirl Charity run

    Another very successful GG run - well done!!  :thumleft:  And 2 N[]va & Toni 4 the cool pics :thumleft: Besides the wind pumping constantly :o it was a fantastic event & seeing all those kitties & dogz, i was so impressed with the TEARS setup, man those kitties live in a hotel there :) The...
  14. 1KAT

    Uitsig Animal Rescue Farm

    Great guys / girls doing this for a good cause  :thumleft: Sum nice photos also.
  15. 1KAT

    Tragic loss of our latest WD member - Miss Yami

    I'm so sorry to read this, i'm shocked, very very sad :'( RIP Yvette.  My thoughts are with u Dion, ur kids & the whole family.
  16. 1KAT

    Chasing the Dunes

    Very cool music in part 1 - sheez those dunes are HUGE.....and they go on & on the wide open spaces, such freedom......and the sound of the gnarly bikes in between the music ;D Personally i prefer part 2 how u filmed - just seems clearer ahead where u riding 2 :) Thx Neil 4...
  17. 1KAT

    #Urgent# My bike stolen at CT Toy Run

    Just saw ur pics now Bus.......really kark looking @ ur bike being wheeled away by this dumb....i really hope these people get caught u can see my KTM, along with Dunce' bike & another was parked directly across the road between the 2 bakkies :eek7:
  18. 1KAT

    Mayhem on PE toy run caused by drunk reckless driver - Bank details on 1st post

    What is becoming of sum people in this world ???  Poor little girl.......& her dad.  All so unnecessary man :( Made a contribution TerrorSA - good plan u made here 4 them :thumleft:
  19. 1KAT

    A community cares - KFM 94.5 this morning

    I was very reluctant to post this yesterday but then thought it would show people out there who have been or who are perhaps going through very tough times that there are amazing people out there that care. Thx for all the warm, comforting comments guys & girls  :thumleft: