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  1. 1KAT

    A community cares - KFM 94.5 this morning

    As many of you will know, a very sad, unfortunate tragedy occured on 29th March 2010 - my sisters husband, Kevin Brookes, was killled on his motorbike by an underage, unlicensed taxi driver in Adderley Street whilst on his way to see a client in the early morning. ...
  2. 1KAT

    CPT Toy Run - ***Post pics here***

    Thx N[]va, was lekka just chilling there  :)
  3. 1KAT

    Roadrage!!!! I was taken out!

    :ricky: imagine...
  4. 1KAT

    Show us your water crossings - Yeeeehaaaa !

    sumthing bout this picture.....fascinating, 2 beasts of a different kind getting up close & personal, well almost :patch: :)
  5. 1KAT

    Hintenaus Rallyraid RSA Dakar hope 2011.

    All the best Albert 4 Dakar 2011 - I will be 'rootin' & tootin' 4 ya :biggrin:
  6. 1KAT

    GS & KTM Botswana & Zim 2010

    Nice RR so far - those pans do look awsum 2 ride :drif:......i want 2 one day
  7. 1KAT

    #Urgent# My bike stolen at CT Toy Run

    Sowwy Bus :( Hope u get closure on this soon whichever way it goes.  These guys knew exactly what they were after it seems.. bastids
  8. 1KAT

    CPT Toy Run - ***Post pics here***

    Hmmmmmm, got no pic's unfortunately but think N[]va took sum along Newlands Ave :thumleft: My 3rd Toy Run, enjoyed it as always..lekka breakfast @ viper lounge then meeting all @ Ratanga Just a huge pity the end was marred by Bus' bike being stolen :(  Hope u came right 2day with the cop shop...
  9. 1KAT

    Roadrage!!!! I was taken out!

    What a shame!  Disgusting 2 be treated this way >:(  Perhaps yu should go back there & report the officers 2 the Station Commander, dunno if this will help u and also relay ur incident 2 him/her.  u must get a case number 2 take this any further.
  10. 1KAT

    Husky Nightmare ---

    :o :laughing4:
  11. 1KAT

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    He is beautiful :)  and topping if off, a good-natured boy, lovely :thumleft:
  12. 1KAT

    Living the Dos Sertoes Dream: Racing 4,500km across Brazil

    Thankx Neil for taking the time to finish off what u promised ;) Absolutely AWSUM, the stuff dreams are made of :thumleft:
  13. 1KAT

    SORTED - Looking for KTM 950/990 left mirror - SORTED

    Spare mirror from my 640 is on its way up to u :thumleft:
  14. 1KAT

    Drinks on the Breede a.k.a. The Breede Bash : 2010 Edition

    1.  Operator 2.  Smidty +1    PAID 3.  Pistonpete 4.  Oom Foe-rie      PAID 5.  BigEd 6.  firecoast          PAID 7.  Berm_Rooster 8.  Bus 9.  Rovrat            PAID 10. N[]vea 11. Pote 12. Cassie Botha [ Oliegebruiker en olielevel aanbidder  en bakkie spasie opnemer  ] 13. Highlander...
  15. 1KAT

    The DARK SIDE call was strong !!!!!!!

    Uber sexy bike CS, congrats :drif:
  16. 1KAT

    Koeberg Outride to Darling

    :redface:  hey chicco, it was me.....I was with 2 other 990S mates - ended up with no clutch, gears - o-ring leak -  eish all part of the adventure or what.  But i did get a awsum ride in before the kark started :biggrin: (Sowwy 4 hi-jack) ;)
  17. 1KAT

    The Greyhounds go Bashing!

    Glad u boys got home safely :thumleft: Edgy, hope u got my message in a bottle from Stoet ;D
  18. 1KAT

    Drinks on the Breede a.k.a. The Breede Bash : 2010 Edition

    1.  Operator 2.  Smidty +1    Paid 3.  Pistonpete 4.  Oom Foe-lie 5.  BigEd 6.  firecoast          PAID 7.  Berm_Rooster [ A W S O M N E S S ] 8.  Bus 9.  Rovrat            PAID 10. N[]vea 11. Pote 12. Cassie Botha [ Oliegebruiker en olielevel aanbidder  en bakkie spasie opnemer  ]...