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    1 Spoor Avonture DSTV

    Episode 1 was opleiding by Jan Staal, 2e die afskop van hulle toer naby Tzaneen. Lyk kykbaar. Hulle ry met 'n AT, GSA en die Harley avontuur fiets
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    WSBK 2024

    Lecuona did very well and was mixing it with the fast guys 'till he went farming. Honda has certainly improved this season
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    WSBK 2024

    Sprint was an excellent race. Then Toprak stamped down his authority in race 2, indicating who will be the 2024 champion, bar any unfortunate accident. In his interview Bulega alluded to the fact that they are already looking at the 2025 championship
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    WSBK 2024

    Honda got some help from a couple of falls
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    MotoGP 2024

    Die jaers word geleer hoe om hulleself in die openbaar weer te gee. Kyk maar hoe word die blikkies energie drankies so gedraai dat die borg se produk blootstelling kry. Bulega en Bagnaia se fietse het hulle in die steek gelaat die naweek. Ek glo hulle binnestes het gekook. Maar niks negatief in...
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    WSBK 2024

    Gerloff looks like a man on a mission. He has come to grips with the Beemer. Van der Mark on a factory Bee Em is very inconsistent. Watching the races I wondered if Gerloff would not get more out of VdMark's bike if given the opportunity
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    MotoGP 2024

    Dit lyk vir my of Ducati die inligting wat hulle inwin vanaf sateliet spanne, goed analiseer, en gebruik. Acosta se Gas-Gas doen beter as Brad se fiets. Daardie inligting is beskikbaar vir die fabriekspan. Ek sien nie konstante verbetering by KTM nie
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    Dont lug your motor

    Nie net in Fords nie, ander bakkies ook. Sommige ratkaste plaas die 5e rat hoog op in die ratkas, en die rat kry nie genoegsame smering teen lae revolusies nie. As jou voertuig teen lae revolusies in 5e loop en jy trap die lepel, stuur jy hoë wringkrag deur die inset as wat groot laterale druk...
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    Dont lug your motor

    True for a diesel. You do damage when you have a load, cruising at peak torque, then just flat-foot it when you get to an up-hill. That is why a vehicle has a gearbox so that you can gear back to get the revs up in time.
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    WSBK 2024

    Sprint race and race 2 were very good. Bautista did very well on his home circuit, it will be interesting to see how he performs on other race tracks now that he has found form That hair do though...... o_O
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    MotoGP 2024

    Hulle sal blitsig moet bykom vir 2025. Die wereld ken Martin se potensiaal, en as Aprillia nie die regte fiets kan voorsien nie, sal sy prestasie op die fiets 'n duidelike boodskap van die fiets se gebrek aan potensiaal uitstuur' Loose on Sunday, no customers on Monday
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    MotoGP 2024

    Ek onthou daai een wedren waar hy kuipe toe gegaan het, en sy span heel onvoorbereid gelyk het, en eers die spaar fiets reggekry het toe aftrek kuipe toe. Was nie die tipe professionaliteit wat mens van 'n multi miljoen Euro span verwag nie
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    Trailers... flat tyre... No Jack !!

    To add to that, I bought a new trailer a few years ago and asked the manufacturer for bearing numbers. He told me that they change axles suppliers often, so could not give me the numbers. I like to carry spare bearings when I tow a trailer (I have 4 !)
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    MotoGP 2024

    And, I wonder if boetie Brad did not slip in a word of encouragement to Gresini 🤔
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    Trailers... flat tyre... No Jack !!

    I carry a spare scissors jack and sturdy block of wood in every vehicle that I own. Have a close look at your car's jack; too many plastic bits in there. I have used the 2nd jack on two occasions when I had to change wheels by the roadside
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    MotoGP 2024

    He has a tough job ahead, trying to keep the KTM/Gas-Gas bikes on their wheels for a full race 😜
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    WSBK 2024

    I'm impressed with Bautista's performance today. Throwing a big Ducati around a track with two cracked ribs at the rate that he did it today takes some doing
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    MotoGP 2024

    Like Aprillia, the Yammie's resurgence seems to have been short lived. But at least they are showing promise
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    MotoGP 2024

    Begaafde man. MotoGP, WSBK, American Superbikes and Dakar wenner. Veral in die Amerikaanse reeks het hy altyd na 'n introvert geklink. Maar vandag toe loop die trane ! Well done Petrux !!
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    Bike Museum

    Die museum op 'n plaas wat uitdraai vanaf die Friemersheim pad is Kobus Halliday se motor museum By Mosselbaai is geen motorfiets museum waarvan ek weet nie Die museum in Knysna, op Thesen eiland, is 'n motorfiets museum. Geen karre