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  1. S

    WSBK 23

    Yamaha must have something up their sleeves. Quartararo signed again for them in MotoGP, despite their current performance, and now JR signed with them for WSBK. I got the impression that the current Kawa does not differ much from last year's bike, and if they had any plans to improve this...
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    Garage mishaps!!!

    I have a Land Rover Discovery TDi. The sump plug is situated at the back of the sump, pointing towards the rear. Clever idea, as is sits out of harm's way. Bad idea if you want to drain the oil, because the oil stream has a horizontal trajectory that gets shorter as the 6.5 liters of oil drains...
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    Garage mishaps!!!

    Oooh, ek kan 'n boek skryf...... Decided that I better replace the Doo spring on my KLR before I become a victim of doo failure. I remembered that I read somewhere that you can do the repair without draining the oil. Looking at the engine, and the cover that needs to come off, I could not see...
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    Craig's cycle parts, 2 Koeberg road....

    Gooi 'n foto. Nooit een gehad nie, maar dit was altyd vir my 'n mooi fiets
  5. S

    MotoGP 2023

    I'm sure Mike Hailwood and Barry Sheene would've given it a good go ;)
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    I have not travelled this road in years, but I believe it is not in a good condition
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    WSBK 23

    Schucks ! He had NO chance :oops: Brings back memories of Barry Sheene at Daytona when his rear tyre failed at 170 mph
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    WSBK 23

    It will be interesting to hear what the cause of the crash was. Toprak looked bewildered, and Bautista also mentioned that it looked as if Toprak's tyre failed
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    MotoGP 2023

    Hulle sal die sandputte GROOT moet maak :oops: :LOL:
  10. S

    WSBK 23

    Maybe reliability is an issue but will an extra 500 revs really make a distinct difference ? I can't see that it will make a dent in the Ducati advantage.
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    MotoGP 2023

    Jip, Bautista had an off in race 2, but point difference between him an Toprak still about 70
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    WSBK 23

    It will be interesting to see the influence of Toprak at BMW next year. The current factory Yamahas are doing better than the BM's, judging from the results. And Redding has proved in the past that he is competitive when he was on the Ducati.
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    WSBK 23

    I am surprised at Aegerter's performance. I thought he would be a top ten performer in his first year is WSBK. It seems that he does well if somewhere between 10 and 15. Maybe his bike is not at the same standard as Toprak and Locatelli's. They are doing well where the Ducati's do not have a...
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    WSBK 23

    In fact, Rea did worse; 2x3rd's and a 4th. And it would've been 2x4th's if Bautista didn't go farming.
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    MotoGP 2023

    Finding loopholes is what gives you the edge. ;)
  16. S

    Strategic future of adventure biking

    In a case like this you have to categorise which type of adventure rider. The 500 EXC-F will be ideal for the backpack rider whilst the chap with pillion, panniers, topbox, tank bag etc will look at something else. A friend of mine, who is a serious tourer (and his wife), tried a Husky 701 a few...
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    Foam air filter instead of OEM paper air filter - BMW Dakar

    Exactly how I do it on my KLR. After service, the dirty filter is washed in diesel, then in warm (not hot) water and dishwashing soap. Thereafter a good rinse, allowed to dry, then wrapped in a seal-lock plastic bag. It gets oil before installment My KLR was one of the oil guzzlers, and was...
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    MotoGP 2023

    Wow !! En daar dog ek ons Bee-Em manne gaan vir 5 weke droog bek sit sonder MotoGP en sonder 2SD. Daar's lig !! :LOL: :ROFLMAO:
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    IoM TT

    Highlights on 215 every evening
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    Ek kan storie vertel van 1976 Buffalo rally in Bloem in die winter. Maar as ek begin gaan ek begin bibber net aan die gedagte van daai veld slaap met 'n spierwit gerypte slaapsak.