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  1. S


    Ek bly in die Vaaldriehoek; dis nie 'n koue wat homself maklik laat buite bly nie 🥶🙄
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    Jy het vreemde vriende.......:oops::cautious::LOL:
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    Easy Loader type trailer. Pros and cons? Who makes the best?

    I have a Compact East loader single bike trailer. I load my KLR and 1150 with equal ease. And the trailer is light enough for me to maneuver in an upright position against a wall, taking up very little space
  4. S

    WSBK 23

    If you end up a country mile behind the winner, you should grab at every little straw that you can lay your paws on. JR did say in the post race interview that Kawasaki needs to do something to narrow the gap to Ducati. I think their only hope is a supercharged H2 :rolleyes:;)
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    WSBK 23

    My imagination, or was JR's Kawa slightly faster down the mainstraight ? In the past Toprak would've passed him earlier in the race
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    Frankfort day trip for a good cause 13 May

    Registrasie moes voor 30 April gewees het :unsure:
  7. S

    Break Away

    Thanks Bartman, well written and lovely phodies
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    MotoGP 2023

    Sounds like a DSG box. My Volla's DSG changes gear in 7 milli-seconds
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    MotoGP 2023

    Or in the F1 coffin
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    I will NOT ride around GR in the dark. Had a very close shave with a kudu many years ago, and has since avoided that road at night time. Even at 80 on a bike, I think your chances of avoiding a kudu is nil, depending on how far from you it jumps
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    MotoGP 2023

    Sticking to dead standard road going bikes sounds ideal. But, the "creep" in regulations, and their interpretations, normally kill the concept. Look at what happened to group N racing in SA where you were only allowed to change tyres, and remove the exhaust from showroom floor cars
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    MotoGP 2023

    Competition is going to be fierce. I'm surprised by Vietti's performance; I thought he'd be one of the top performers by now
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    MotoGP 2023

    I think this happened at Daytona. It is very interesting to read his commentary on the incident. If you look at the incident in real time, it is over in a few seconds. Yet his description makes it sound like he had all the time in the world for that crash. He could describe every meter. How he...
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    Your dream ride

    Laverda Jota
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    Wanted KLR650 Chain slider/swing arm protector

    Thanks. Checked mine and it is still fine
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    Wanted KLR650 Chain slider/swing arm protector

    Can someone please post a picture of this ?
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    There was someone on here whose post script was something in the line of "If you think an expert is expensive, try a novice" 🙂
  18. S

    What to do with my Dad's R50/2

    Holden Monaro was GTS, en sy opvolger was die CHEV SS
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    WSBK 23

    Today's race was held in rain, but it looks like we're in for a repeat of last season. Maybe a dry race will show if any of the changes made in the off-season will have any effect. Was Gerloff not destined to return to USA SBK ?
  20. S

    Therapeutic viewing

    Thanks Welsh, interesting bit of history on one of my favourite bikes.