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    Maybe if we change the duration of MotoGP to 24 hours, the Binders will win :D
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    MotoGP 2023

    Blipping throttle sends oil through the engine, and clicking the tongs gives assurance that it will have a good grip on the meat. And this I worked out all by myself after a 2nd glass of wine........ :D '
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    My WARR2022/23 - Richtersveld trips, prep and execution.

    Rob, ek is baie beindruk met hoe jy jou KLR ingerig het. Is daar iets wat jy anders sal doen na jou toer ? Goeie verslag; ek het lekker saam gery 👍 🙂
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    WSBK 22

    Kawasaki is now lagging behind. JR is competitive in the first half of a race, thereafter the bike loses it's edge. I wonder what they can do to get the bike more competitive, seeing that the rules do not leave them as much leeway as MotoGP for instance. It will be interesting to see how...
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    Happened some time earlier, but I see that Steven Odendaal was part of the team that won the 24hr Bol D'or race
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    EICMA 2022

    I regularly teach Google new routes, definitely not fool proof
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    MotoGP 2022.

    If the promised improvements to Yamaha and KTM do happen, next year promises to be a humdinger. And the guys swopping teams can add to the excitement. They might need a race or two to get the hang of their new bikes, so I think the MotoGP will really blast off by about the third race. I'm really...
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    Is it just me …

    That is no lie.
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    Fitting a new clutch cable

    Mine snapped on the lever side. I saw a You-tube video where the guy demonstrates how easy it is. I just never had enough bare cable on the engine side to hook through the slot in the bottom of the cable guide, and then hook into the actuator. And this was with the cable disconnected at the...
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    Fitting a new clutch cable

    I had the clutch cable snapped today. I had a spare cable tied to the in-service one, but, because I was close to home, I decided to head for home. I can now state categorically (I sound like an old parliamentarian :D ) that I would not have been able to replace the cable by the roadside. At...
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    Tubes - Correct valve stem fitment?

    How do you do that ? Insert the outer half between tube and tyre ?
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    MotoGP 2022.

    Toe Rossi gevra is waarom hy Ducati verlaat het, het hy gese dit was omdat daar te veel Italianers was ....... :sneaky:
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    Tales from the trade

    My dad had a Datsun Stanza that he had serviced regularly. Then the car refused to start on early winter mornings. The car was taken to a neighbour, who was a foreman at dealership. Handed the car back with a quote for an engine overhaul, and the little compression chart showing low compression...
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    MotoGP 2022.

    That track's penalty lap must be the shortest of all MotoGP tracks
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    Tales from the trade

    Nope, do it in the workshop. When a previous car was still under service plan, I had it serviced the day before we left on holiday. Whilst down at the coast, I just happened to check the oil, and found the level about 1cm above the full mark At the next service, when I went to collect the car...
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    MotoGP 2022.

    This has been the issue for many years when people wanted an F1 race in SA. Not everyone supported the notion, as many people felt that such a large amount of money could be used to sponsor a whole local series. A view that I support
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    Suzuki V Strom 1050.

    "Nou Val hulle met n 21" voorwiel uit, maar los die Ander goedjies wat dit lekkerder sou maak uit! Eish!" Soos binneband op die voorwiel:rolleyes: Sal dalk later een kry, en dan groot bohaai oor "opgradering"
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    MotoGP 2022.

    WSBK or Moto America ?
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    WSBK 22

    Ek sal graag vir Aegerter op Gerloff se fiets wil sien. Ek twyfel of hy veel slegter sal doen
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    MTB chain dry lube, will it work?

    Verstaan hoe werk moderne kettings Die ou kettings, sonder enige afseeling van die binnekante, het smering benodig. Ek het doerie tyd my eie mengsel van Wynns enjin bymiddel en ratkas olie gemaak. Dan seker gemaak dit loop mooi in, die ketting in. Agterwiel was permanent 'n gemors (het baie...