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  1. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Keep your pets away from stuff that looks like this:
  2. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Yes, they do get diabetes. So do cats. I had a diabetic cat years ago, Heidi, and she was a nightmare to manage with insulin. Cats get human insulin. Dogs get special doggie insulin and are overall easier to manage. They are treated just like humans - blood glucose readings before meals and...
  3. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    1. Zog Jr arrives on Monday 🥳 2. No you read that right. $3000. Bless the vet - we paid what we could and can pay the rest as we are able. So. We reconstructed the events leading up to this. Because it struck us all as really weird that Sammy suddenly out of nowhere became diabetic. Not...
  4. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Home And wait until you hear THIS story... 😖🤦‍♀️ $3000 later... not diabetic. All self-inflicted. I'll explain later. Too exhausted. Get a dog, they said... It'll lower your blood pressure, they said...
  5. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    The AHA production editor sent me some materials to look at and information about the job, and if I'm interested (ha!) she wants to set up a zoom meeting and go from there.
  6. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    I'm far behind with work so just a really short note to say we are getting positive news from the vet. Not sure when he is coming home yet. Will update you later. P.S. The vet sent a short video of him, and he's looking much better and walking around outside. She also said, "he's not enjoying...
  7. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    We are in the great position that we have a fantastic vet we consider a friend and who treats Maggie and Sammy truly like they are her own. We are able to text her personal phone day or night with concerns and questions. She lets us do treatments at home (like Sammy's arthritis injections...
  8. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    On the bright side, I followed up with the American Heart Association this morning. I asked the HR person if I'm still being considered for the position because it's been 2 weeks and I still haven't heard from the production editor like I was supposed to. The HR lady said yes, I am most...
  9. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Thank you everyone. Mr. Zog just arrived home from work to take Sammy back to the hospital for a couple of days. He was not doing well this morning and did not improve, so after a talk with the vet, we decided that he needs to be admitted so he can get the care he needs. We'll keep you posted.
  10. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    The patient...
  11. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Book 37 of 2024: Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI - Yuval Noah Harari (audiobook) I really enjoyed his other book - Sapiens - so decided to listen to this one. He digresses widely to provide background, and it's interesting and relevant. Well worth a...
  12. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Book 36 of 2024: Blood & Beauty: The Borgias - Sarah Dunant Backstabbing and intrigue in Renaissance Italy. I like Sarah Dunant's books, she is very historically accurate. She researches the history as much as possible and then fills in the gaps/historical unknowns to make it historical...
  13. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Thanks! I'm making a ham/gammon with... something. Not sure what else, I haven't gotten that far yet. The ham was a last-minute decision because they supermarket had them on sale cheap on Saturday so I bought two. One for Thanksgiving and one in the freezer for a rainy day.
  14. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Thank you everyone! Looks like I'm going to get the American Heart Association job. Part time at first, and then transitioning to full time eventually. :)
  15. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    How totally weird... Today is my day it seems. I just had a call from a friend who has recommended me for a position with another publisher. A US publisher doing journals for the American Heart Association. I said I'm definitely interested, and I've done work for them before. They are looking...
  16. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Huh. The plot thickens. I had a job offer today from a direct competitor of Bollywood, let's call them "Bombay Cinema." It's a well known company in the publishing world, also in India but with offices worldwide. I know people are jumping ship from Bollywood. My department is down to 8 editors...
  17. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    These days I have to find humor wherever I can. I've been following this controversy on social media... I'm not huge on social media, but this is too funny. We have a chain store here called Bath and Body Works. They released their Christmas collection of candles, and the art/label is...
  18. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Book 35 of 2024: The Light Eaters - Zoë Schlanger (audiobook) Fascinating and enjoyable, but I did struggle to get through it, taking it half an hour at a time - only because it's science and research and very close to my daily work. Well worth it though if plant communication is your thing. *...
  19. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    's ok... I dig Ralph Fiennes...
  20. Mrs. Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Two big, enthusiastic YESs to Penguin Books and Forrest Gump!