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  1. Grumpleton

    Kove 800x

    madness for a Chinese bike , they should be cheaper , but are not!! or are we as the consumer getting milked.
  2. Grumpleton

    Slime and sealant

    I use a product called Fugit it is local manufactured , I use it on my 1190 front tubeless and it does not effect my TPMs in that wheel. I have now done over 5000km with it in and no problems from a leaking rim that would loose 2,5 bar over night.
  3. Grumpleton

    KTM Trouble

    if they supported their products like other premium brand ,this may not have happened , die hard KTM fans are moving to other brands because KTM does not back up its product like it should. this is the price you pay for poor build quality and no no proper back up to the scores of loyal KTM...
  4. Grumpleton

    Road closed or open

    does anyone know if the road from the N7 to Algeria is open, thinking of shooting up to Oasis tomorrow and have to decide which way to go.
  5. Grumpleton

    You HAVE to be Sharp ALL the TIME!

    jip, Thats how I got taken out. except there was no flicker light, and no break lights on the said unlicensed golf. it has made me much more aware of slow moving or stationary vehicles on the road,... you live, you hurt, but you learn.
  6. Grumpleton

    KTM 1190/1290 problems solved???

    not as much fun as my 950 was, but lots more reliable, problems, battery, and tubeless rim band, fuel gauge not reading when filled to the rim, thats about it, my bike has got 73 000 Km on, 2013 1190 R
  7. Grumpleton


    jip Mr Walsh rides to slow , I don't ride like him . but have ridden with him, drove me nuts I cant ride at his speed so I am normally at the 100 to 120 km/h on the dirt. and 134 to 140 on the tar. My 950 went through tyres every 5000Km and a chain every 15000 km the 1190 is much better on...
  8. Grumpleton


    got my bike on 32 000 km with a new chain just fitted , have just replaced at 71 600km so thats 400 short of 40 000km , I am not hard on my bike but dont ride like a geriatric , and I have never switched off the traction control, but if you would like to know how I ride you can ask your mate...
  9. Grumpleton


    my 2 cents worth, gear oil, used it on my 1190 got 40 000km out of a chain and sprockets. I only oil my chain after a trip when I wash my bike, never in between.
  10. Grumpleton

    Spirit DSV 3 opinion please

    rubbish helmet, my one fell apart, within a few months, tried to get a warranty claim on it and was told no, the peak screw at the back came out and nearly broke my neck, when the peak went back, the cheek pads fell apart after the first wash and the strap clip started to come loose, the ratchet...
  11. Grumpleton

    KTM 1390 “Auto” (AMT) at Erzberg

    the 1190 R is also one of the last great bikes from KTM , I am/was a ktm fan boy but I also think due to KTM not acknowledging and rectifying problem on their bike both KTM and Husky, I will be possibly looking at a BMW 900
  12. Grumpleton

    Kleinzee to Portnolth road

    Does anyone know what the dirt road between Kleinzee and Portnoth condition is . We are doing a bike trip to Oranjamund from next week and I can’t get any info regarding this stretch of road . Does anyone know its condition or perhaps has a contact that I can call regarding its condition.
  13. Grumpleton

    Learning how to wheelie ("Wheelie school")

    dont have the balls or the budget, nothing like a good wheely, but there is a time and a place, there are some among us, no names mentioned that can wheely, but he also does it in the wrong place and time and makes other names kak that are on bikes in our small town, I have noticed however, that...
  14. Grumpleton

    Somthing new from Rottweiler

    I Have a 1190 not a 1290 , the power cell unit looks like you still have to take the tank off. My bike has over 70 000km on it , it now takes me 15 min to get to the filter to clean and I have pre-filters in the snorkels as well as in the air box so not going to change now , when I get my new...
  15. Grumpleton

    Must we keep this forum d/s orientated?

    I would keep it open to everyone, how ever I think that you should only be able to post on the for sale section , once you have had at least 20 normal post, this will stop all the people that join to sell their rubbish, and then disappear. once you have creditability on the forum then you can...
  16. Grumpleton

    Help with change of ownership mess!

    had the same problem with a trailer earlier this month , yellow form now needs both seller and purchasers ID , if purchaser is being a D@@S about it , scrap the vehicle
  17. Grumpleton

    Wanted 1190 R rear right indicator

    if anyone has a spare 1190/1290 rear indicator laying around that would like to sell at a good price , please contact me , thanks.
  18. Grumpleton


    I had one yesterday that wanted me to come fix a toilet urgently, said I would fit in when I had time, that was not acceptable because she had other things to do, when I got there to fix it , wanted to know why I was charging a call out and not only for the spares,, then tells me she need to...
  19. Grumpleton

    Do the Japs give a sh*t?

    Remember SMG is also a BMW dealer in Durban so they have the BMW lifestyle mentality .